UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Ultimax-8 is used in the following conditions: Antioxidant support: Citrus bioflavonoids, glutathione, and vitamins are known [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Tamsumax is used in the following conditions: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): Tamsulosin helps relax the muscles [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Ramavit is used in the following conditions: Energy production: B vitamins are involved in the metabolism [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Panjecxone is used in the following conditions: Bacterial infections: Ceftriaxone is effective against various types of [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Panjecxime is used in the following conditions: Respiratory tract infections: Cefuroxime is often prescribed to treat [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Odasyl is used in the following conditions: Hypertension: Amlodipine is commonly prescribed as a first-line treatment [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Odaft is used in the following conditions: Vaginal yeast infections: Fluconazole is often prescribed as a [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Napro-tax is used in the following conditions: Breast cancer Ovarian cancer Non-small cell lung cancer Kaposi [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Mardepine is used in the following conditions: Hypertension: Nicardipine is commonly prescribed to lower blood pressure [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Marcaine is used in the following conditions: Surgical Procedures: Bupivacaine is frequently used by healthcare professionals [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Lansodin is used in the following conditions: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Lansoprazole is commonly prescribed to [...]


UsesWarningsSide EffectsPrecautionsOverdose & BrandsUses Lanoxin is used in the following conditions: Heart Failure: Digoxin is often prescribed for individuals with [...]

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