One of the skin issues that emerge because of too much heat and massive force of ultraviolet radiation during summer is what we call summer skin hazards.


Five kinds of illnesses occur in the body because of too much heat during summer, namely:  heat edema, heatstroke, heat spasms, heat rash, and heat exhaustion. These are the main reasons behind skin hazards as well. Three types of skin burns that are widely recognized are as follows:

  • A first degree burnIt is not that serious, as it only affects the outer epidermis
  • Second degree burnIt is a severe kind of burn-in which the dermal layer is damaged
  • Third-degree burnIt is a kind of burn that damages all the skin layers and the rest of the underlying tissues of the body

During summer, the following are types of rashes that we usually observe:

  • Miliaria rubraIt is the formation of blisters and papules that causes  itching and irritation
  • Miliaria crystallinaIt is widely observed in infants which manifest in the form of fluid-filled vesicles
  • Miliaria profundaIt is caused by clogging of sweat ducts in the skinin the form of large flesh-colored papules
  • Miliaria pustulosaIt resultsin acute inflammation because of bacteria that are predominant during summer


The following symptoms are normally manifested in the case of summer skin hazards. These are:

  • Inflammationof the skin due to sunburn
  • Dry, and reddish skin
  • Too much sweating
  • Heat rashesaccompanied with blisters
  • Itchy feelingin the affected parts
  • Abnormal tenderness of the skin
  • The affected areashows peeled scales


Over-the-counter medicines like calamine, hydrocortisone cream, sunburn lotions are used as skincare by relieving itch and burning sensation during the rise of summer skin hazards.

Folliculitis It is referred to as a skin condition in which the hair follicles become inflamed due to fungal infections.

  • Medications
    • Creams or pills to control infection– Antibiotics, creams, gels, and lotions are usually prescribed for mild infections. Oral antibiotics are not given unless the infection is severe.


Treating severe sunburns are not that hard, as these tend to heal on their own after some time. But there are alternative remedies that can help, like the following:

  • Pain relievers
  • Lukewarm or cool baths
  • Creams, lotions or gels
  • Drinkingplenty of water

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