Paraldehyde is a sedative and hypnotic drug with antiepileptic effects. It is occasionally used to control status epilepticus resistant to conventional treatment.

Paraldehyde is used in sedation and in status epilepticus.

Avoid Paraldehyde in gastric disorders. Do not give through the rectum in colitis.

Paraldehyde may bring about side effects such as the following:

  • Unpleasant taste
  • Imparts smell to breath
  • Skin rashes

Oral and rectal admin may cause gastric or rectal irritation. Intramuscular injection is associated with tissue necrosis, sterile abscesses, and nerve damage.

Intravenous administration may cause pulmonary oedema, haemorrhage, hypotension, cardiac dilatation, circulatory collapse and thrombophloebitis.

Prolonged use may lead to dependence (especially in alcoholics).


Take precaution in bronchopulmonary disease, hepatic impairment, pregnancy and lactation.

Intravenous administrations should be well diluted and given very slowly with extreme caution.

Intramuscular administration should be careful not to cause nerve damage.

Administration using plastic syringes should be avoided.

Partially decomposed paraldehyde is unsafe if administered. It is dangerous to give if this drugs turns into brownish color or has strong penetrating odour of acetic acid.

Do not abruptly discontinue in chronic use.



Paraldehyde may have interactions with the following medicines:

  • CNS depressants (e.g. barbiturates, ethanol, narcotic analgesics and other sedatives)
  • Disulfiram
  • Alcohol

Signs of Paraldehyde overdose include rapid laboured breathing (secondary to lung damage and to acidosis); nausea and vomiting; respiratory depression and coma; hepatic and renal damage.

Seek medical treatment immediately.


Available Brands:

  • Diformil
  • Paraldehyde
  • Paraldehyde BP AFT
  • Paraldehyde Omega

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