Ultramox is used in the following conditions:

  • Respiratory Infections: Amoxicillin is often used to treat respiratory tract infections, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinusitis
  • Ear Infections: It is effective in treating bacterial ear infections, including otitis media (middle ear infection)
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Amoxicillin can be prescribed to treat uncomplicated urinary tract infections caused by susceptible bacteria.
  • Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Amoxicillin is sometimes used to treat skin infections, such as cellulitis or impetigo.
  • Dental Infections: It is commonly prescribed for dental infections, including tooth abscesses and gum infections.
  • Strep Throat: Amoxicillin is often the preferred treatment for strep throat, a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes.
  • Lyme Disease: In early stages of Lyme disease, amoxicillin can be effective in treating the infection.

This medicine may be recommended for different uses. Approach your physician or pharmacist for more information.

Do not use Ultramox in people with the following conditions:

  • Allergy to Penicillins: Individuals who have a known allergy to penicillins, including amoxicillin, should avoid its use. Allergic reactions can range from mild skin rashes to severe allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening.
  • Infectious Mononucleosis: Amoxicillin is contraindicated in patients with infectious mononucleosis, as it can cause a skin rash in these individuals
  • Severe Liver Dysfunction: In cases of severe liver dysfunction, the use of amoxicillin may be contraindicated due to the potential for further liver damage. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to assess the liver function before using the medication.
  • Previous Severe Skin Reactions: If an individual has previously experienced severe skin reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis, with the use of amoxicillin or other penicillins, its use should be avoided.
  • Renal Impairment: Amoxicillin dosage adjustments may be required in patients with severe renal impairment. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage in such cases.

This information is not exhaustive, and it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

Ultramox may have the following side effects:

  • Gastrointestinal Effects: The most common side effects of amoxicillin are related to the gastrointestinal system. These may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and indigestion. Taking medication with food or milk can help reduce these symptoms
  • Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions to amoxicillin can occur, although they are relatively rare. Symptoms may include skin rash, itching, hives, swelling of the face or throat, difficulty breathing, or wheezing. If you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, it is important to seek immediate medical attention
  • Superinfections: Amoxicillin can sometimes disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the body, leading to the overgrowth of certain bacteria or fungi. This can result in secondary infections, such as oral thrush or vaginal yeast infections
  • Hypersensitivity Reactions: In rare cases, amoxicillin can cause more severe hypersensitivity reactions, such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis. These are serious conditions that require immediate medical attention
  • Other Side Effects: Other less common side effects of amoxicillin may include headache, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, changes in taste, and vaginal itching or discharge.

Keep in mind that your physician has recommended this drug since he or she has known that the advantage to you is more noteworthy than the risk of adverse reactions. Many individuals utilizing this medicine don’t have serious side effects.

A serious allergy to this medication is uncommon. In any case, seek emergency medical help if you see any manifestations of a serious allergic response, including a rash, tingling or swelling particularly of the face or tongue or throat, dizziness or difficulty in breathing.

This is not a complete list of side effects. If you see other effects not recorded above, contact your physician or pharmacist.


Take extra caution in patients with the following medical conditions:

  • Allergy History: Inform your healthcare provider about any known allergies, especially to penicillins or other antibiotics. Allergic reactions to amoxicillin can range from mild rashes to severe reactions, including anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening emergency. If you have a history of allergies, your healthcare provider may choose an alternative antibiotic
  • Medical Conditions: Make sure to disclose your complete medical history to your healthcare provider, including any liver or kidney problems, asthma, mononucleosis, or any other chronic conditions. These conditions may affect the dosage or require special monitoring while taking amoxicillin
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of amoxicillin with your healthcare provider. While amoxicillin is generally considered safe during pregnancy and lactation, your healthcare provider will evaluate the specific circumstances and determine the appropriate course of action

Prior to taking this medicine, tell your physician or pharmacist if you are allergic to it, or if you have some other hypersensitivities. This drug may contain inert ingredients which can cause unfavorable side effects or different issues. Talk with your pharmacist for more information.


Ultramox may interact with the following medicines:

  • Oral contraceptives: Amoxicillin can potentially reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives (birth control pills). It is recommended to use an additional form of contraception, such as condoms, while taking amoxicillin and for at least one week after completing the course of treatment
  • Warfarin and other blood thinners: Amoxicillin may increase the effects of blood thinning medications, such as warfarin. This can increase the risk of bleeding. Close monitoring of blood clotting parameters is necessary if you are taking both medications
  • Methotrexate: Concurrent use of amoxicillin and methotrexate, a medication used to treat certain cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis, may increase the risk of methotrexate toxicity. Regular monitoring of methotrexate levels and adjustment of the dose may be necessary
  • Allopurinol and probenecid: These medications are commonly used to treat gout. When taken together with amoxicillin, they can increase the risk of developing a skin rash. If you are taking these medications, your healthcare provider may need to adjust the dose or monitor for any adverse effects
  • Antacids and iron supplements: Taking antacids or iron supplements containing aluminum, magnesium, or calcium can decrease the absorption of amoxicillin. It is recommended to take these medications at least 2 hours before or after taking amoxicillin.
  • Other antibiotics: Some antibiotics, such as tetracyclines, may interfere with the effectiveness of amoxicillin. If you are prescribed multiple antibiotics, your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate timing and dosage to avoid interactions.

Inform your physician about the drugs you take including over-the-counter medications, prescribed drugs, supplements and vitamins.

This is not a complete list of drug interactions. Approach your physician or pharmacist for more details.

The effects of certain medications can change if you consume different medications or herbal products simultaneously. This can build your risk for side effects or may cause your drugs not to work effectively. These interactions are conceivable, yet don’t generally happen. Your physician or pharmacist can prevent or oversee interactions by changing how you utilize your prescriptions or by close checking.

While utilizing this drug, don’t start, stop, or change the dose of other medicines you are using without your physician’s advice.

If you suspect an overdose, contact your doctor right away.

Available Brands:

  • Ultramox

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