Abdominal pain has numerous potential causes. The most widely recognized causes, for example, gas pain, acid reflux or a pulled muscle are not serious. Different conditions may require different management.

Acute abdominal pain may last for hours to a couple of days. Chronic abdominal pain may be irregular, or episodic, which means it may migrate every now and then. This kind of pain may exist for a considerable length of time to months or even years. A few conditions may cause dynamic pain, which consistently diminishes after some time.


Abdominal pain may either the following:

  • Acute
  • Chronic
  • Progressive



Have somebody bring you to the emergency room immediately if you have:

  • Serious pain
  • Fever
  • Bloody stools
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Weight reduction
  • Skin that appears yellow
  • Intense pain when you touch your abdomen
  • Swelling of the abdomen


Blood and urine tests are among the most widely recognized tests done for abdominal pain and are frequently diagnosed by certain tests after the results are available.

CBC is a blood test that can help diagnose whether the infection is available in the body.

Liver enzymes are tests that, when increased, show an issue with the function of the liver.

Urinalysis is a urine test to know whether blood or infection is available in the urinary tract.

Amylase and lipase are enzymes secreted by the pancreas.

Occult blood in stool is a test that looks for blood in the stool, which is not an ordinary finding.

A pregnancy test is for women of childbearing age who are having abdominal pain.

Imaging studies for abdominal pain include abdominal CT scan and x-ray.

Pelvic exam is done to investigate the genitalia and the area within the vagina.

Rectal exam is an examination of the rectum with a finger.

Upper GI, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, panendoscopy or upper endoscopy are utilized to assess the upper gastrointestinal tract from within.

Colonoscopy is a test that enables a doctor to review the colon with an instrument that has both a light and a camera, with images projected to a screen.

KUB is an x-ray that takes a look at the kidneys, ureters, and bladder as well as the digestive organs and the bones of the pelvis and spine.

Ultrasound utilizes sound waves that cannot be heard by the human ear to view the organs within the body.



Medicines that are utilized for the treatment of the causes of pain are treatments of choice. For instance, medicines are not required for the treatment of viral gastroenteritis, while surgery or chemotherapy may be the best way to deal with treat certain diseases in the abdomen. Different causes may require antispasmodics, antimicrobials, H2 blockers, or even nitrates or morphine.

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