Covid-19 and Allergic Rhinitis: What’s the Difference?

Allergic rhinitis is caused by your immune system reacting to an allergen such as pollen, dust, mold or dander (flakes […]

How Do Allergies Affect the Respiratory System?

Allergies are caused by your immune system reacting to a foreign substance such as pollen, dust, mold or dander (flakes […]

Do’s and Don’ts for People with Asthma

Asthma is a common lung condition in which the airways narrow and become swollen, and may produce extra mucus. This […]

Best and Worst Exercises for Asthma

Aside from controlling symptoms, one of the key goals of asthma treatment is to help you maintain a normal and […]

Top Vitamins for Strong Immunity and Healthy Skin

Vitamins are essential nutrients present in fruits, vegetables, meat and other foods. Getting adequate amounts of vitamins is vital for […]

Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s natural defense network that protects you against disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, and other […]

What You Need to Know about Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. Almost four million Filipino adults have type 2 diabetes. There […]

Five Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Your lungs are the main part of your respiratory system. This pair of spongy, pinkish organs in your chest supplies […]

Tips to Keep Your Baby’s Skin Healthy

Babies have a reputation for having flawless skin. Here are some tips to help keep your baby’s skin smooth and […]

Key Facts about Sleep-Promoting Supplements

Sleep-promoting supplements, as the name suggests, help a person sleep. Keep in mind that supplements are not regulated in the […]

Possible Reasons Why Your Period is Late

A late period can be stressful, especially if you’re used to a regular menstrual cycle or concerned about an unplanned […]

Vitamins and Minerals that Women Need

Your body needs vitamins and minerals for optimal health. It is interesting to note that there are some vitamins and […]

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