The withdrawal method of birth control or pull-out method is a technique of withdrawing the penis away from a woman’s external genitals before ejaculation to avoid pregnancy. The main goal of the withdrawal method is to prevent the sperm from entering the vagina.

Sperm will enter the vagina if the withdrawal is not properly controlled or the pre-ejaculation fluid contains sperm. Besides, the withdrawal method is not safe from sexually transmitted infections.


Here are the useful things to do during sexual intercourse:

  • Men should have great self-control and awareness of timing.
  • Men should estimate the point of sexual excitement to pull out before ejaculation. 
  • Men should spill the fluid away from the external opening of the vagina.
  • Men should clear the sperm before having sex a second time around because there could be sperm left within the penis, on the penis, or your hands.

Take note that withdrawal methods do not protect you from sexually transmitted infections or diseases.


The few benefits of using the withdrawal method of birth control are as follows:

  • Pulling out is convenient and safe for both members of the couple.
  • Withdrawal methods are always used when there are no contraceptive methods available.
  • Withdrawal methods have no hormonal or medical side effects.
  • The method requires no prescription.
  • The method is free of charge.

Disadvantages Of Using Withdrawal Method As Birth Control

Despite the good benefits of using the withdrawal method, it has disadvantages too. These include:

  • Risk of an unplanned pregnancy
  • Risk of transmitting STIs.
  • Using incorrect withdrawal methods among teens.
  • Using this method is not guaranteed effective because it requires self-control, practice, and experience.
  • Men should not use this method if they experience premature ejaculation.

How To Reduce The Risks?

If you like to avoid getting pregnant, use additional birth control methods: condoms, birth control pills (oral contraceptives), intrauterine device (IUD), spermicidal foams, Depo-Provera injections, or hormonal patches.

If you are concerned about STIs, using a condom is the best option because it has the highest level of protection for sexually active adults.

Also, consult your midwife or doctor for the best method for you.

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