Ulcerative Colitis affects your rectum and the deepest lining of your large intestine. This inflammatory bowel disease is the one that produces ulcers and long-term swelling inside your digestive tract. Generally, rather than immediately, the signs evolve as time goes by.

This disease has no cure yet, but treatment can minimize the signs and indications and may give a temporary recovery.


Doctors frequently categorize this inflammatory bowel disease based on where it is located.  These types are:

  • Left-sided Colitis- The swelling extends from sigmoid through the rectum.
  • Pancolitis- Pancolitis affects the entire colon. This type also causes stomach pain and cramps, weight loss, and fatigue.
  • Acute severe ulcerative colitis- This unusual type of colitis also infects the entire colon. Some of the symptoms of this type are fever, severe pain, and bleeding.
  • Ulcerative proctitis- This is the mildest type of ulcerative colitis. The swelling is located and compacted nearest to the anus.
  • Proctosigmoiditis- The swelling both includes the sigmoid colon and rectum.


The symptoms of ulcerative colitis may depend upon the seriousness of swelling and where it takes place. These include the following:

  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Rectal Pain
  • In kids, failure to grow

You need to see your doctor if you are suffering from some of the following signs and symptoms:

  • Blood in your feces
  • Waking up from sleep because of diarrhea
  • Inexplicable fever that lasts for more than two days


To validate the diagnosis of Ulcerative Diagnosis, you might undergo in one or more procedures, such as:

  • Colonoscopy

In this exam, a thin tube with a light and joint camera will be used by your doctor to see your entire colon. In the process, small samples of tissue might be taken by your doctor for diagnosing.

  • Blood tests

Blood tests are being recommended by the doctors to know if someone is suffering from anemia or checking if there are other signs of infection.

  • X-ray

Your doctor might use a standard X-Ray for the area in your stomach to eliminate other severe complications if you are experiencing severe signs.

  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Your doctor will use a slim lighted tube to assess the last portion of your colon, sigmoid, and rectum. If your colon is swelling severely, your doctor might choose this one instead of a colonoscopy.


Treating this inflammatory bowel disease usually requires surgery or medications. There are some medicines that can be used to treat Ulcerative Colitis. The kind of medicine you will take will depend on the seriousness of your condition and the area of the gut affected. The medicines that work on others might not work for you, and vice versa. So it is essential to know what is right for you by knowing how severe your condition is and its location. With proper medication and regular check-up by a physician, you can keep the body healthy and strong to fight any diseases.

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