Hallucinations or illusion and mood disorder signs like depression or madness are signs of schizophrenia. These combinations of schizophrenia signs are the things that might be noticed if someone is suffering from a mental health disorder named Schizoaffective disorder.


Depressive Type and Bipolar Type are the two types of Schizoaffective disorder. The two said types consist of some symptoms of schizophrenia. In Bipolar Type, the occurrence of madness is involved, and the occurrence of severe melancholy, occasionally. At the same time, the Depressive Type involves the only incident of oppressive sadness.


The signs of Schizoaffective disorder may be different from person to person. People experiencing this state might suffer some signs that include illusions or hallucinations, and signs of a mood disorder, that may be depressive (occurrence of sadness), or bipolar type (incident of madness and sometimes, severe regret.)

Indication of Schizoaffective disorder may be based on the type, (bipolar or depressive type) and may comprise some of the following signs:

  • Signs of melancholy, such as experiencing gloomy and depressing feelings.
  • Misconceptions – possessing false and established views despite some proofs that prove the opposite.
  • Illusions – this includes experiencing noticing or hearing things that do not exist at that moment.
  • Strange actions.


In discovering the diagnosis of Schizoaffective disorder, testing includes:

Physical tests. This is being done to determine if other problems might be the reason why someone is experiencing signs and to know  if there are other associated complications.

Screenings and Examination.  These involve assessments that will help eliminate possible illnesses that have the same signs as Schizoaffective disorder; testing for liquor, and drugs. The doctor might require some imaging studies such as CT scan or MRI Scan.

Psychiatric Assessment.   Some doctors and mental health experts will ask some set of questions that talk about your feelings, thoughts, illusions, and those that involve personal background and family. They also inspect the appearance of the patient.

The diagnostic basis for Schizoaffective disorder. The patient’s doctor or mental health expert bases on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association.


Treatment may be based upon the type and seriousness of the patient’s signs and if the disease is the bipolar type or the depressive type.

In some instances, the patient may need  to be confined in the hospital.

Generally, doctors advise medicines for people suffering from Schizoaffective disorders. These medicines are being used to manage depression, calm the mood, and alleviate the psychotic signs. Some of the medications may include:

Antipsychotics– The antipsychotic drug paliperidone is the only medicine that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating Schizoaffective disorders.

Antidepressants– This medicine can help in alleviating the sadness and struggles in sleeping and concentrating.

Aside from medicines, talk therapy, or also known as psychotherapy, can help. This could involve individual therapy and group or family therapy.

In addition to the said treatment above, studying and discovering skills such as social skills training, can help make your life better and communicate with other people.

But in times of severe signs, staying at the hospital is needed to make sure you are safe, eat the proper foods with the right nutrients, and have enough sleep.

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