Radon poisoning is a naturally occurring substance that forms when radium decays radioactively. Because of its radioactivity, health officials consider it a health threat.

Radon is a gas produced as an end product of radium decay. When excessive radon levels enter the body, it causes dangerous bodily changes.

It’s a natural element that turns into a gas at normal temperatures and pressures, and it’s one of the densest compounds that can stay a gas under normal conditions.

As a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas, radon is generally invisible to the human senses. Radon poisoning doesn’t manifest itself in the same way as other radioactive chemicals. Instead, radon exposure may cause lung cancer.


Unfortunately, radon poisoning does not show any symptoms. Only after many long-term exposure will you notice odd and perhaps harmful health effects. Radon poisoning symptoms are quite similar to lung cancer symptoms, which is not surprising given that both predominantly damage the lungs. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Consistent chest pain
  • Constant coughing
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing up blood
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue

It’s essential to be mindful of the symptoms listed above since they not only signal radon exposure symptoms but may also lead to lung cancer.


According to the EPA, increasing radon exposure is the major cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers. Even if the patient is not experiencing symptoms, this information is critical when deciding on suitable evaluation procedures.

In circumstances when increased radon poisoning is suspected, a medical assessment may involve

  • A history of exposure
  • A medical history, including an examination of organ systems
  • A physical examination
  • Additional laboratory tests may be required if clinically needed.

There are currently no effective community-wide screening procedures available for medical prevention, early detection, and treatment of lung cancer, whether caused by radon or not.


Unfortunately, there is presently no treatment available for radon poisoning. When a person has been suspected with radon poisoning, it is critical to minimize subsequent radon exposure as much as possible to avoid further lung damage. All potential radon sources, including the air within the person’s house, should be examined. If required, measures to minimize radon from these sources should be taken. It is also critical to attempt to reduce the chance of getting lung cancer, the only recognized health condition caused by radon poisoning. Stopping smoking is a primary goal since it dramatically raises the risk of radon-induced lung cancer.

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