A platelet creates clots to halt bleeding. When a blood artery is injured, it sends messages to the platelets. Platelets then flow to the injury site and form a clot to heal the damage.

Adhesion stops bleeding by covering a broken blood vessel’s wall. Platelets develop sticky tentacles at the wounded site to connect to one another. Chemical signals attract additional platelets. Aggregation is when platelets form a clot.

What Develops If Your Platelet Count is Abnormally High or Abnormally Low?

These are the medical disorders associated with abnormal platelets or platelet counts:

  • Thrombocytopenia. In this disease, your bone marrow produces insufficient platelets. Otherwise, your platelets will be destroyed. If your platelet count becomes too low, bleeding beneath the skin might appear as a bruise. It may also occur inside the body as internal injuries. It may also happen outside the body, such as a nosebleed or a wound that won’t stop bleeding. There are several causes of thrombocytopenia. Several drugs, cancer, liver illness, pregnancy, infections, and abnormal immune systems are examples.
  • Thrombocythemia Essential. In this disorder, your bone marrow produces an abnormally large number of platelets. Platelet counts greater than 1 million in patients with this disease may result in bleeding. Blood clots that develop and obstruct blood flow to the brain or heart are another sign. Doctors aren’t sure what causes this form of thrombocythemia, although abnormalities in bone marrow cells (called mutations) may contribute to specific instances.
  • Platelet Dysfunction. Poor platelet efficiency has been linked to a number of unusual illnesses. It suggests that the platelet count is average, but the platelets aren’t working correctly. Other medications such as aspirins can contribute to this. It is critical to have a strong grasp of how medications affect platelets. Certain medicines are connected with an increased risk of bleeding, which you should be aware of.

Platelets are small but vital blood cells that assist your body manage to bleed. Bruising, prolonged bleeding, and experiencing nosebleeds every hour are the symptoms. Contact a doctor immediately to be clinically diagnosed. Moreover, to determine whether or not your blood count is normal, a simple blood test is required.

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