Multidrug-resistant TB is generated by an organism resistant to both rifampin and isoniazid, the two most powerful drugs. These medications are used to treat all people who have tuberculosis (TB), an infection induced by bacteria that spreads through the air from one individual to another.

TB is commonly linked with the lungs but can also influence different organs. Most instances are highly curable; even so, people with tuberculosis can die if they do not receive proper medical care.

What Exactly Is Multidrug-Resistant TB?

Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis is a special form of MDR tuberculosis that is resistant to rifampicin, isoniazid, fluoroquinolone, and at least one of these three intravenous second-line medications. Since this is resistant to the most powerful TB drugs, individuals are left with much less effective options for treatment.

XDR TB is especially dangerous for people who have HIV or other situations that weaken the immune system. Once contaminated, these people are more likely to develop tuberculosis (TB) and have a higher risk of dying from it.

How Does Drug Resistance Develop?

When anti-TB drugs are misapplied or mishandled, resistance can develop. Instances include when patients do not finish their entire treatment plan, when providers prescribe the incorrect treatment, dosages, or amount of time to take the drugs; when drug supplies are not always accessible; or when the medications are of poor quality.

How Can Multidrug Resistance Be Avoided?

The essential thing an individual can do to avoid the spread of multidrug-resistant bacteria is to take all drugs exactly as directed by their doctor. There must be no missed doses, and treatment must not be discontinued needlessly.

Patients must notify their physician if they are having difficulty taking their medications. Patients who are planning to travel must discuss this with their physician and make sure they have enough medicine to last the length of their journey.

Healthcare professionals can help avoid this by promptly diagnosing instances, adhering to suggested treatment protocols, supervising patients’ reactions to treatment, and ensuring therapy are accomplished.

Another method for avoiding becoming multidrug-resistant is to prevent being exposed to recognized patients in areas that are closed or populated, including hospitals, jails, or homeless housing.

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