Hydromyelia, also known as syringomyelia, is a condition characterized by the formation of a fluid-filled cavity or cyst within the spinal cord. This cavity, known as a syrinx, can enlarge over time and put pressure on the spinal cord, leading to various symptoms.

The exact cause of hydromyelia is not fully understood, but it is often associated with other conditions such as Chiari malformation, a condition in which brain tissue protrudes into the spinal canal. Other potential causes include spinal cord injury, tumors, spinal cord inflammation, or blockage of cerebrospinal fluid flow.


Hydromyelia, or syringomyelia, can be classified into different types based on its underlying causes and characteristics. Here are some common types of hydromyelia:

1. Congenital Hydromyelia: This type of hydromyelia is present at birth and is often associated with a congenital abnormality called Chiari malformation. In Chiari malformation, the lower part of the brain, known as the cerebellum, extends into the spinal canal, causing obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow and the development of a syrinx within the spinal cord.

2. Acquired Hydromyelia: Acquired hydromyelia develops later in life due to various factors, such as spinal cord injury, tumors, spinal cord inflammation (e.g., meningitis), or blockage of CSF flow. These factors can disrupt the normal flow of CSF and lead to the formation of a syrinx within the spinal cord.

3. Communicating Hydromyelia: This type of hydromyelia occurs when there is an obstruction or disruption in the normal flow of CSF from the brain ventricles to the spinal cord. This obstruction can cause an accumulation of CSF within the central canal of the spinal cord, leading to the formation of a syrinx.

4. Noncommunicating Hydromyelia: Noncommunicating hydromyelia is characterized by a syrinx that is not connected to the central canal of the spinal cord or the brain ventricles. Instead, it is often associated with specific lesions or cavities within the spinal cord itself.

5. Secondary Hydromyelia: Secondary hydromyelia refers to the development of a syrinx as a result of an underlying condition or disease, such as spinal cord tumors, tethered spinal cord, or spinal cord trauma.


The symptoms of hydromyelia can vary depending on the location, size, and extent of the syrinx within the spinal cord. Here are some common symptoms associated with hydromyelia:

1. Pain or discomfort: Individuals with hydromyelia may experience pain or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, arms, or back. The pain can be dull, aching, or sharp in nature.

2. Sensory abnormalities: Hydromyelia can cause sensory changes, such as numbness, tingling, or a loss of sensation in the arms, hands, fingers, or other parts of the body.

3. Muscle weakness: Weakness in the muscles of the arms, hands, legs, or other areas may occur. This weakness can affect fine motor skills, coordination, and overall strength.

4. Coordination difficulties: Hydromyelia can disrupt communication between the brain and the muscles, leading to problems with coordination, balance, and gait.

5. Bladder and bowel dysfunction: The syrinx can put pressure on the nerves that control bladder and bowel function, resulting in urinary or fecal incontinence, urgency, or difficulty with elimination.

6. Headaches: Some individuals with hydromyelia may experience chronic headaches, particularly at the base of the skull, which can be associated with the underlying Chiari malformation.

7. Scoliosis: In some cases, hydromyelia can lead to the development of scoliosis, an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine.


The diagnosis of hydromyelia typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional, often a neurologist or a neurosurgeon. Here are some common steps and techniques used in the diagnosis of hydromyelia:

1. Medical history: The healthcare professional will begin by taking a detailed medical history, including information about your symptoms, their onset and progression, and any relevant past medical conditions or surgeries.

2. Physical examination: A thorough physical examination will be conducted to assess neurological function, muscle strength, sensation, reflexes, and coordination. The healthcare professional may also evaluate your spine for any abnormalities or signs of underlying conditions.

3. Imaging studies: Imaging techniques are crucial in diagnosing hydromyelia. The most commonly used imaging modalities include:

– Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): This technique provides detailed images of the spinal cord and surrounding structures. It can help visualize the presence of a syrinx, its location, size, extent, and any underlying causes.

– Computed Tomography (CT) scan: CT scans are occasionally used to assess bony abnormalities or evaluate specific conditions associated with hydromyelia.

4. Additional tests: In certain cases, additional tests may be necessary to determine the underlying cause or associated conditions. These tests may include:

– Electromyography (EMG): EMG is a test that evaluates the electrical activity of muscles and nerves and can help determine if there is any nerve damage or dysfunction.

– Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis: In some cases, a lumbar puncture (also known as a spinal tap) may be performed to analyze the CSF for any signs of infection, inflammation, or other abnormalities.

5. Consultation with specialists: Depending on the suspected cause or associated conditions, the healthcare professional may refer you to other specialists, such as geneticists, orthopedic surgeons, or urologists, for further evaluation and management.


The treatment for hydromyelia typically involves a combination of medical management and surgical intervention. The specific treatment approach will depend on the underlying cause, the severity of symptoms, and individual patient factors. Here are some common treatment options:

1. Medications: Medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms associated with hydromyelia. These can include pain relievers to alleviate discomfort, muscle relaxants to reduce muscle spasms, and anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation.

2. Physical therapy: Physical therapy is often recommended to help improve strength, mobility, and coordination. A physical therapist can design a personalized exercise program to target specific symptoms and improve overall function. They may also provide guidance on posture, body mechanics, and assistive devices.

3. Shunting: In cases where there is an obstruction to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a surgical procedure called shunting may be performed. A shunt is a thin tube that is placed to redirect CSF from the affected area to another part of the body where it can be absorbed. This helps to relieve pressure and reduce the size of the hydromyelia.

4. Syrinx drainage: If the hydromyelia is caused by a syrinx, surgical drainage may be necessary. This involves creating a small opening in the syrinx to drain the excess fluid and relieve pressure on the spinal cord.

5. Decompression surgery: In cases where hydromyelia is associated with a Chiari malformation or other structural abnormalities, a surgical procedure called decompression surgery may be performed. This involves removing a small portion of bone at the back of the skull and/or spine to create more space and relieve pressure on the spinal cord.

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