Histoplasma capsulatum infection is carried on by ingesting the spores, which are frequently found in the excrement of bats and birds. Often, when these spores become airborne during construction or cleanup tasks, people contract them by breathing.

Farmers and landscapers are more likely to contract histoplasmosis if they work in soil that has been polluted by bird or bat droppings. The majority of histoplasmosis sufferers never experience symptoms and are unaware of their infection.

Nonetheless, Histoplasma capsulatum infection can be life-threatening for some people, particularly babies and those with compromised immune systems. Even the most severe cases of histoplasmosis can be treated.


A histoplasma capsulatum infection might be so mild that they don’t even show any symptoms. Yet, serious infections can be fatal. The following are examples of signs and symptoms that may arise 3 to 17 days after exposure:

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Chest pain
  • Chills
  • Tiredness
  • Muscle pain

Some persons who have histoplasma capsulatum infection also have joint pain and a rash. Those who have lung conditions like emphysema are susceptible to chronic histoplasmosis.

Weight loss and a bloody cough are two indicators of chronic histoplasmosis. The signs of chronic histoplasmosis might occasionally resemble those of tuberculosis.


Depending on the areas of your body that are affected, diagnosing a histoplasma capsulatum might be challenging. Testing can be critical in treating life-threatening instances even though it may not be required for milder infections.

Your physician could advise looking for signs of the illness in samples of:

  • Urine or blood
  • Lung secretions
  • Bone marrow
  • Biopsy


If you have a minor case of histoplasma capsulatum infection, treatment is typically not required. Nonetheless, you will probably require treatment with one or more antifungal medications if your signs are serious or if you have a chronic or widespread type of disease. It may be necessary to continue taking your meds for three months to a year if you have a serious case of the illness.


It might be challenging to avoid coming into contact with the fungus that causes histoplasma capsulatum infection, particularly in regions where the condition is common. However, performing the following actions may aid in lowering the risk of infection:

  • Spray contaminated areas
  • Reduce exposure
  • Put on a respirator mask

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