How to Cope with Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a very common condition in which your bowel movements (stools) are loose, watery and occur more frequently than usual. […]

Asthma Inhalers: What You Need to Know

Inhalers are the main treatment for asthma, a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the main passageway (bronchi) of the […]

Top 10 Facts about Your Respiratory Health

  The lungs are vital to your survival. The lungs help oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red […]

Is It Time to Get Your Flu Shot Now?

Its rainy season again and it’s also the flu season. The best way to avoid catching the flu is by […]

Ten Tips about Kids’ Vitamins

  In a perfect world, children would regularly eat a balanced, healthy diet. Their daily meals would include plenty of fresh […]

2 Golden Kiwis a Day can Boost your Brain

  If you are one of the persons who often feel weary and not refreshed in the morning, just take […]

1 Glass a Day, Dark Spots Away!

  Anyone who is now enjoying sipping some fruit and vegetable cold pressed juices, just try to change from your […]

Importance of Collagen to Skin Health and Vitality

  -Eric Michael Santos, Medical Observer

Cervical Cancer and the Importance of HPV Vaccination

  Who is at risk for cervical cancer? The Philippines has a population of about 34 million women ages 15 […]

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