Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection is caused by the chlamydophila bacterium. It causes community-acquired pneumonia and is classified as an unusual source of pneumonia. The infection causes sickness by inducing damage to the respiratory tract’s wall, which includes the lungs, windpipe, and throat. Additionally, the seroprevalence of chlamydophila pneumoniae infection is minimal in babies, while it might be greater than 50% in people. It is typically moderate and produces few deaths.

Moreover, seroepidemiological research indicates approximately 50 to 75% of people carry antibodies against chlamydophila pneumoniae. The majority of individuals get infected and re-infected during their lives. Infection with Chlamydophila pneumoniae has been linked to the development of heart attacks and ateromatous illness.


Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection is often a minor sickness that produces an upper respiratory system illness. Upper respiratory system infections may lead to sinus, ear, or throat infections. Typical signs include:

  • Headache
  • The cough gradually worsens and may linger for some time.
  • Throat discomfort
  • Hoarseness or voice loss
  • Fever of low severity
  • Fatigue
  • A congested or runny nose

Chlamydophila pneumoniae may also result in lower respiratory tract infections, such as lung and bronchitis. According to some studies, persons with this infection’s pneumonia are more susceptible to laryngitis than those with other forms of bacterial pneumonia. After being introduced to the bacterium, signs might occur three to four weeks later. Symptoms might sometimes last for many weeks following the initial appearance.


Antibody assays are among the most common diagnostics for chlamydophila pneumoniae infection diagnosis. Serological testing needs matched specimens for an appropriate diagnosis, allowing for a retrospective diagnostic test.

The following laboratory procedures are used to diagnose this infection:

  • DNA amplification testingĀ 
  • Serological assays
  • Cell culture isolation of the organisms

Unfortunately, because of its technical difficulty and inconsistent productivity, chlamydophila pneumoniae infection is restricted to several facilities. Despite attempts to increase cell culture sensitivities, fewer samples of chlamydophila pneumoniae have been isolated globally.


Antibiotic medicines are used to treat chlamydophila pneumoniae. In difficult situations, oral antibiotics are prescribed. On the other hand, extreme instances could be managed with oxygen supplementation and intravenous antibiotics.

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