Cat-scratch disease from pets, sometimes known as cat scratch fever or bartonellosis, is an infection that may be acquired after being scratched, bitten, or licked by a cat. This disease is caused by germs in cat saliva and may harm people, cats, dogs, and other animals. The bacterium is transmitted by cat fleas and potentially other biting insects or ticks. The flea consumes blood containing Bartonella from an infected cat, and when the bacterium multiplies, it is excreted in the flea’s feces. These feces may infect people via scratches and other skin abrasions, as well as the eye.

In healthy persons, the sickness is not severe. Nevertheless, younger children and people with weak immune systems may have complications. These include cancer patients, diabetics, and those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).


The following are the most prevalent symptoms of cat-scratch disease from pets:

  • Particularly painful or swollen lymph nodes beneath the arms (if scraped on the arm or hand) or inside the groin (if scratched on the foot or leg)
  • Reduced appetite, weariness, joint discomfort, headache, or fever
  • Body rash
  • A cat bite or scrape that gets bloated or reddish within a few days does not heal, or becomes worse over time.

The symptoms of cat scratch sickness may resemble those of other disorders or illnesses. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.


If your doctor suspects you have cat-scratch disease from pets, he or she will conduct a physical examination. Cat scratch fever is hard to diagnose based just on its symptoms. A practitioner may establish an accurate diagnosis by performing a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) blood test to detect the presence of cat-scratch disease-causing bacteria in the patient’s body.


No cat-scratch disease from pets vaccination is presently available for cats or humans. B. henselae is susceptible to many antibiotics. Human infections are most often treated with a mix of two distinct medicines. The majority of minor instances will resolve without the use of antibiotics since the sickness is often self-limiting.

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