Hand tendon repair is a surgical procedure used to heal a torn or injured tendon. Tendons are the band-like soft tissues that link muscles to bone. They pull on the joints as muscles contract, leading the bones to move.

Having a damaged hand tendon may result in severely restricted hand motion. Pain and discomfort may be felt in the affected part. Nevertheless, there are certain surgeries for tendon repair that may be beneficial for tendon injuries in order to get rid of the difficulty and discomfort in moving a joint.

In the wrist, there are two types of tendons:

  • Extensor tendons – These tendons go from your elbow over the back of your hand to your fingers and thumb, helping you stretch your fingers and thumb.
  • Flexor tendons – These tendons travel from your elbow to your wrist and over the palm of your hand, enabling you to bend your fingers.

Both of these kinds of tendons are often repaired surgically.

When Is A Hand Tendon Repair Necessary?

Hand tendon repair is required when one or more of your fingers’ tendons burst (break or split) or are cut, resulting in the loss of natural hand motions.

You would be unable to stretch one or more fingers if your extensible tendons are injured. You will also be unable to stretch one or both of your arms if your flexor fibers are injured. Furthermore, a tendon injury may also result in hand discomfort and swelling (inflammation).

Hand extensor tendons may sometimes cause failure without surgery by wearing stiff support called a plaster around the hand.

How Are Hand Tendon Repair Surgeries Performed?

X-rays of your hand and wrist may be taken before repairing your damaged tendons. This procedure is used to look for glass particles that might have sliced the tendon, as well as any other injuries or fractures that may need to be fixed.

Usually, tendon repair is not an emergency operation. However, it should be done as soon as the injury occurs. This is due to how more damage develops when ruptured tendons are left untreated for a longer time. This may even result in restricted hand movements even after surgery.

Based on the extent of your injury, a tetanus shot and antibiotics may be offered prior to the procedure.

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