Caesarean Section is an operation where the baby is delivered by an incision in the mother’s womb. Cesarean deliveries are used to separate the mother and the baby. They were subsequently developed to deal with maternal or fetal problems that made vaginal birth impossible due to mechanical limits or delayed delivery for maternal or fetal benefit.

If there are signs that the normal delivery may have risks for the baby and mother’s life, a caesarian section may be elective or emergency.


The cuts (incisions) to the uterus are done differently in Caesarean sections. Inquire with your doctor about the cuts made during your caesarean. This information will be valuable for making choices concerning future deliveries.

Two cuts (incisions) that might be used during cesarean section:

Lower incision. It is known as a ‘bikini line’ incision because it is a horizontal cut into the abdomen and lower part of the uterus. Pregnant women benefit from these wounds since they heal faster and are less apparent.

Classical incision. It is a uterine vertical cut; the abdomen cut might be horizontal or vertical. If your placenta is really low, your baby is sideways, or your infant is very little, you may need to make this sort of incision.

Reasons Of Unplanned Cesarean Section

  • Your baby’s head doesn’t fit through your pelvis during normal labour.
  • You are weak from contractions, and your cervix isn’t opening.
  • You have high blood pressure that may cause risk to you and your baby during delivery.

Reasons Of Planned Cesarean Section

  • The placenta blocks the way of the baby or the cervix.
  • You had a cesarean birth before
  • Your baby is transverse and cannot be turned.

Things To Be Discussed Before Undergoing C-Section

Before your C-Section, talk to your doctor about the following risks:

  • If you have bleeding problems and if you bruise easily
  • If there are any medications you have and allergies.

You may also want to have blood tests to see whether you’re anemic and to find out your blood type so there’s enough blood in case you need it before or after the caesarean section.

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