The exercise cardiac stress test affects your heart’s response to exercise. This can include stress ECGs and stress echocardiograms among other things.

Furthermore, an exercise cardiac stress test typically entails running on a treadmill or cycling on a motionless cycle while your heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration are all recorded. 

Why A Cardiac Stress Test Is Required?

This test may be recommended by your doctor to:

  • Help create a safe exercise plan
  • Assess your heart disease risk.
  • Validate certain techniques’ efficacy
  • Determine the source of chest discomfort
  • Recognize any heart rhythm alterations
  • Diagnosis of potential coronary disease

How Do You Prepare For This Test?

Preparation for your cardiac exercise stress test includes:

  • Avoid eating. Your doctor may advise you to avoid specific meals, smoking, and alcohol 3 hours before the test.
  • Avoid certain medications. Beforehand, your doctor may urge you to discontinue the use of certain medications.
  • Avoid wearing fit clothes. Make sure to wear loose, comfortable clothing before the test. 
  • Avoid caffeine. You must not consume caffeine, such as coffee or chocolate beverages, before the beginning of the test.

What Happens During A Test?

On a treadmill, you’ll walk or bike until your goal heart rate is reached. The pace, incline, the resistance of your treadmill or cycle will increase every 3 minutes, up to a maximum of 15 minutes.

During the test, a doctor may monitor your ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac rhythm. The test will be put off if:

  • You become too tired
  • You can’t exercise due to another ailment.
  • The ECG indicates your heart lacks oxygen.
  • Your blood pressure is rising.
  • You get chest ache.

A Cardiac Exercise Stress Test Aftermath

You’ll get monitored until your heart rate recovers to its normal resting rate after you’ve completed your test. Also, the doctor may recommend more tests or treatments based on the results of your testing.

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