Five Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

Your lungs are the main part of your respiratory system. This pair of spongy, pinkish organs in your chest supplies oxygen to every cell in your body while eliminating carbon dioxide, the waste product of our metabolism.

Given their vital functions, it’s important to keep your lungs healthy so that they work optimally even into your senior years.

1. If you smoke, quit.

Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, particularly the lungs, causes many diseases, and damages the health of smokers in general. Smoking causes about 90% of all lung cancer deaths, and about 80% of all deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Quitting smoking lowers your risk for smoking-related diseases and can add years to your life. Talk to your doctor about effective ways to help you quit smoking.

2. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly makes your heart and lungs work harder to supply the additional oxygen your muscles demand during physical activity. Remember how regular exercise makes your muscles stronger? It has the same beneficial effect on your lungs and heart.

Experts recommend that all adults get 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week. These include brisk walking, recreational bicycling, gardening, and vigorous housecleaning.


3. Avoid exposure to air pollutants

Air pollutants can damage your lungs and speed up aging. Avoid secondhand cigarette smoke. Minimize going outside during peak air pollution times. Avoid exercising near heavy traffic, so you don’t inhale exhaust fumes.


4. Prevent lung infections

Wash your hands regularly with warm water and soap; if these are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Avoid touching your face as much as possible.

Drink lots of water and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which are packed with immune-boosting nutrients. Get your annual flu shot and full COVID-19 vaccine dose. If you’re 65 or older, get a pneumonia vaccination.


5. Get regular checkups

Lung diseases may go unnoticed until they become serious. This is why it’s important to have regular checkups even when you are feeling well.


Consult your doctor for more information on how to keep your lungs healthy.

Shop at Watsons for prescription medications and other essential healthcare needs.


References: Accessed 29 July 2021 Accessed 29 July 2021 Accessed 29 July 2021 Accessed 29 July 2021 Accessed 29 July 2021

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