MRSA infection or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is an infectious disease caused by a form of staph bacteria that has developed resistance to several antibiotics commonly used to treat staph infections. This condition is most common when the skin is cut or broken. 

Furthermore, MRSA is highly infectious and may be transmitted through closer contact with an infected human. Also, it may be contracted through objects or surfaces that have been in contact with an MRSA-infected person.


There are two types of MRSA infection:

  • HA-MRSA- This type of infection is usually acquired in treatment institutions, such as hospitals or nursing homes, linked to this disease. Moreover, this infection may cause serious problems, such as pneumonia and infections in the blood. You may get this by close contact with an infected wound, or with dirty hands. Also, you may acquire the infection by coming into contact with infected linens or medical instruments that haven’t been properly sanitized.
  • CA-MRSA- On the other hand, this type is linked to diseases spread by direct physical contact with an infected person or direct contact with an infected wound. Poor hygienic conditions, such as lack of proper handwashing, may also cause this form of MRSA infection to evolve.



In general, HA-MRSA may likely develop grave symptoms, such as,

If you have any of the following signs, see the doctor right away:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty to breathe
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Rashes


Meanwhile, for the CA-MRSA type, symptoms may include:

  • Skin infection
  • Swollen skin
  • Painful bump
  • The infected area may be surrounded by redness or warmth
  • Fever


The doctor will need to know about your medical history and make a physical observation. The following sample tests may also be conducted:

  • Wound culture– This involves a sterile cotton swab, which is in a small container to take for a laboratory examination
  • Urine culture– This is gathered by putting the urine in a sterile cup and giving it to the doctor for urine analysis.


The healthcare provider will recommend antibiotics, depending on the seriousness of the condition, to treat HA-MRSA. 

On the other hand, CA-MRSA is done by giving oral antibiotics alone. If you notice a wide skin infection, the doctor might suggest incisions.

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