Domestic violence refers to any type of abuse that occurs among adults or minors in a homosexual or heterosexual romantic relationship.

It is described as one individual in a close connection utilizing any way to abuse or put down the other. This violence may take any form, including monetary maltreatment and mental, physical, or sexual abuse.


Domestic abuse is mostly associated with physical aggression and abuse, but there is more aside from simply harming the victim. There are actually various types of domestic abuse that some are completely unaware that they are being abused. 

Physical Abuse. This is probably the most common violence being committed that involves using force against a victim causing them injuries. Moreover, slapping or pushing the victim, even if it didn’t cause them any injury, can also be considered as physical abuse. 

Sexual Abuse. This involves sexual abuse, such as unwanted contact and demeaning acts, sexual assault, and rape. Sexual abuse can include forcing to have an abortion or being tricked into not using a condom.

Financial Abuse. The least known type of abuse is financial exploitation. It happens when couples create a joint account and the other party won’t give an amount to support their family. Moreover, this occurs when either the husband or wife is dependent on their partner’s money, which is the reason for their partner’s superiority. 

Emotional and Psychological Abuse. This kind of violence involves destroying the self-worth of the victim. This abuse comes in insults, humiliation, and criticism form. 


Victims may be characterized through the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic Apprehension
  • Agitation
  • Constantly feeling alert, and finding it challenging to sleep or relax
  • Feelings of helplessness, desperation, or hopelessness
  • Presence of fear that they cannot protect themselves and their children
  • A belief that one needs abuse
  • Recalling the memories of the abuse and having some nightmares
  • Pelvic pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches
  • Asthma
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • Restless sleep or inability to sleep
  • Back pain
  • Genital soreness


The doctor or psychiatrist may diagnose this condition through:

Questioning. Doctors will examine the victim by asking a couple of questions. 

Screening For Domestic Violence. Screening may help doctors to detect abuse.


Mental health experts suggested creating a safety plan for the safety and recovery of the patient from the trauma

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