ANXIETY & PANIC - WatsonsHealth


It is a normal part of our life to experience occasional anxiety and panic. However, some individuals with intense anxiety disorder have excessive and persistent stress and fear about everyday circumstances.

Frequently, anxiety and panic include frequent feelings of extraordinary tension and dread or fear that last for minutes (panic attacks).

Some feelings of tension and anxiety may meddle with daily activities, are hard to control, and are out of balance to the actual dangers and could last a lifetime.

Avoid some places and events that trigger panic attracts. Some symptoms may appear during childhood and will continue into adulthood.


Anxiety disorders may include anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), specific phobias and separation anxiety disorder. If you have more than one anxiety disorder you will need medical treatment. Whatever type of anxiety you may have, treatment can help.



Anxiety may bring about signs and symptoms, which may include the following:

  • Feeling anxious, eager or tense
  • Having a feeling of doom or danger
  • Increased heart rate
  • Breathing quickly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Feeling feeble or tired
  • Trouble focusing or contemplating on something besides the present stress
  • Having difficulty in sleep
  • Experiencing gastrointestinal issues
  • Having trouble controlling stress
  • Having the inclination to maintain a strategic distance from things that trigger tension

Panic attacks can strike suddenly without any warning. Even when you’re driving an automobile, at the shopping center, sound asleep or amidst a conference, you can have panic attacks.

Avoid some situations that you are likely to have intense panic attacks.


Start by consulting to your doctor, and find out if your panic disorder is related to your health condition.

He or she can check if you have any serious medical conditions that need immediate treatment.

If you have severe anxiety disorder, it is advised that you seek a mental health care provider.

To help analyze your anxiety disorder issue, your psychiatrist will:

Give you a mental assessment. This includes examining your thoughts, sentiments and behavior to help pinpoint an analysis and check for related problems.

Nervousness frequently happen alongside other psychological health issues, for example, depression or substance abuse, which can make diagnosis all the more difficult.



Psychotherapy and medications are the two main treatments for anxiety disorder.

You can experiment to find out which medicines work best for your condition.

Psychotherapy, otherwise called talk treatment or mental counseling, includes working with an advisor to decrease your nervousness. It can be a viable treatment for anxiety.

The most effective form of psychotherapy for anxiety disorders is Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

A few types of medications are utilized to help mitigate symptoms, contingent upon the kind of anxiety you have and whether you additionally have other mental or physical medical problems. For instance:

Certain antidepressants are also used to treat anxiety disorders.

An anti-anxiety medication called buspirone may be prescribed.

  • Certain antidepressants are additionally used to treat nervousness
  • An anti-anxiety drug called buspirone might be endorsed.

In limited conditions, your specialist may prescribe different medicines, for example, tranquilizers, additionally called benzodiazepines, or beta blockers.

These medicines are for the alleviation of anxiety symptoms and are not proposed to be used long term.

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