Rotator cuff tear and injuries are common as you get older. However, it may occur earlier with individuals who need to execute overhead movements while working, such as painters and carpenters.

A rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that helps in stabilizing the shoulder. They also help in motion. Each time you move your shoulder, you utilize the rotator cuff to move the joint and balance them.

The rotator cuff is highly susceptible to injuries. The most typical injuries are bursitis, tendinitis, and strains. However, lots of people with this condition can control their symptoms and go back to activities using physical therapy that enhance strength and flexibility of the muscles in the shoulder joint. 


Not all cases of rotator cuff injuries cause pain or discomfort. Some are due to chronic conditions, which means that the rotator cuff can be harmed for months or even years prior to experiencing any symptom.

Furthermore, common symptoms of rotator cuff tear and injuries include:

  • Difficulty in performing a full range of shoulder movements
  • Avoiding some activities since they cause pain
  • Difficulty in reaching the back
  • Tenderness or pain when reaching overhead
  • Progressive weakness of the shoulder
  • Trouble sleeping on the affected part

If you’ve been going through any of these symptoms for more than a week, see your doctor for further examination.


To diagnose rotator cuff tears and injuries, the doctor performs a physical exam, asks about the symptoms and medical history, and requests an imaging test. Also, the doctor may ask about the activities you have in your work. These questions will help to determine the possible cause of your condition.

Furthermore, the doctor will test your arms’ range of movement and strength. He/she will also rule out similar disorders, like arthritis or pinched nerves. Also, imaging tests, like X-ray and CT scans, can determine the definite cause of your problems and how severe it is. 


The treatment for rotator cuff tears and injuries varies, depending on your condition. Also, seeking immediate treatment helps in preventing any serious symptoms. 

If the injury gets worse, surgery might be needed. But if it’s not serious, nonsurgical treatments may help improve symptoms. These treatments include:

  • Applying cold or hot packs
  • Injecting the affected portion with cortisone
  • Exercises to return strength and range of movement
  • OTC anti-inflammatory medications
  • Resting the affected arm

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