Devic’s syndrome, also called Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), is a condition affecting the optic nerve and the spinal cord. It is often mistaken with multiple sclerosis (MS).  Patients with this condition experience immune attacks on the spinal cord and optic nerves. Moreover, these attacks may occur on both affected organs synchronously or at different times.

It has been recently disproved that Devic’s disease is a type of multiple sclerosis. This condition is still progressing and is subject to more research. It was formerly known as a more specific MS condition that caused severe problems to the optic nerve and spinal cord. However, it is suggested that this disease attack a particular molecule called aquaporin 4.


Noticeable large symptoms of this disease include the following:

  • Blurred vision or vision loss
  • Weakness
  • Numbness
  • Bladder or bowel issues
  • Muscle tightness or stiffness


If suspected of Devic’s disease, the doctor may require you to undergo MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to look for inflammation in the spinal cord. MS results will show only a short part of the inflamed spinal cord. With Devic’s disease, on the other hand, the brain may appear normal and only show mild changes to the spinal cord. However, the optic nerve may appear abnormal. 

MS patients do not have neutrophils. Additionally, they have fewer cerebrospinal fluid than Devic’s disease patients. Patients of NMO have a higher count of cerebrospinal fluid and may show neutrophils. When testing for MS, spinal fluid always comes out negative. The NMO-IgG blood test also comes out positive for NMO patients but negative for MS patients. 


The condition is rare, so there is still no known medication for the disease. The only medication for the attacks is steroids (both intravenous and oral). For more serious cases where steroids do not take effect,  plasmapheresis may be administered. Plasmapheresis is similar to dialysis, which cleans antibodies from the blood. Long-term treatment may also include steroids, immune-suppressing medications, and chemotherapeutics. 

The medication of multiple sclerosis is not sufficient for Devic’s syndrome conditions. Hence, a proper and right diagnosis is the key factor to early treatment of neuromyelitis optica.

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