A pacemaker is a small electric medical device that is put under the chest skin to assist manage your heartbeat. It’s utilized to aid your heartbeat to be more regular if you have an unsteady heartbeat called arrhythmia, especially a slow one. Inserting a pacemaker in your chest needs a surgical operation.

The latest pacemakers consist of two parts. First, is the pulse generator, it carries the electronics and battery that manage your heartbeat. And the second one is the leads which are electric ones that send signals to your heart. Leads are tiny wires that go from the pulse to your heart. 

The pacemakers normally treats two kinds of arrhythmias:

Some individuals require a particular kind of pacemaker known as biventricular or bivent pacemaker.


The type of pacemakers depends on your situation. 

  • Single chamber pacemaker. It holds electrical impulses on your heart’s right ventricle.
  • Dual-chamber pacemaker. It holds electric impulses on your heart right atrium and right ventricle, which assist in managing the timing of the contractions among the two chambers.
  • Biventricular pacemaker. It restores the chambers of your heart to create an effective one. 


You are required to have a procedure if your heartbeat is too slow or too fast. In any case, your body doesn’t acquire sufficient blood. This may cause:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue 
  • Lightheadedness or fainting
  • Harm to vital organs
  • Or even death

A pacemaker controls the electrical system of your body, which regulates your heart rhythm. In every heartbeat, the impulse moves from the upper of your heart to the lower part, gesturing the muscle’s heart to contract. 

How will you prepare for a pacemaker?

Before the procedure, you’ll require many examinations. These examinations can guarantee that the procedure is a perfect option for you.

  • Echocardiogram
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Holter monitoring
  • Stress test

If a pacemaker suits you, you’ll require to plan for your surgery. Your doctor will provide you the complete order on how you can prepare.

  • Don’t eat or drink anything the night before the procedure. 
  • Don’t take unneeded medications before the procedure.
  • If your doctor gives you medicines, then take them.
  • Take a bath before the procedure to lessen the possibility of severe infections.

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