Electrolysis is a procedure in which human hair is separated from the face or body. With chemical or heat energy, today’s medical electrolysis machines kill the growth of the hair roots. The hair is removed using tweezers after a very fine probe is placed into the hair follicle. 

Hair development is the result of hormone and  heredity levels. Likewise, a few medications, impermanent techniques for hair expulsion, and diseases can invigorate hair development. 

Most parts of the body, including the eyebrows, face, belly, thighs, breasts and legs, may be treated with electrolysis. In general, there are no lasting side effects, although occasionally there can be a temporary, mild reddening of the skin.

Electrologists are individuals who have special training to perform electrolysis. If you are thinking about electrolysis, it is significant that you do your exploration prior to focusing on sessions. For the optimum results, though, you’ll also need several follow-up appointments. 


Electrolysis is highly flexible, producing more permanent effects. For both skin and hair forms, it can help prevent new hair development or growth anywhere on the body.

Minor side effects are normal, but they will go away within a day. Slight redness from skin irritation is the most frequent symptom. It is unusual to feel discomfort and swelling on the affected areas. 

Possible serious side effects, as well as scars, include infection from unsterile needles used during the operation. Having a dermatologist approved by the board will lessen or remove any risks.


Types of electrolysis treatment includes the following:

  1. Galvanic – It chemically dissolves the follicle.
  2. Thermolysis – It uses localized heat.
  3. Blend – It utilizes both methods.


After the procedure, the aftercare are:

Due to hair follicle damage, the effects of electrolysis are known as being permanent. Getting weakened hair follicles, in principle means that no new hair will develop. 

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