The word eye strain is often used by individuals to identify a set of vague symptoms linked to the use of eyes. Eye strain is considered a symptom, not a disease. It happens when your eyes are overused or tired, like working at the computer, reading and other things that can be used by eyes.  If you are having eye discomfort because of overuse, your eyes for an extended period, it can be an eye strain.

Even though eye strain can be irritating, it’s commonly not severe and goes away when your eyes rest. In many cases, signs of eye strain can be because of some underlying eye disease that requires treatment. Even if you can’t change your work type that causes this, you can do some way to reduce the pain.


The other medical word for eye strain is known as asthenopia. The signs of blurry eyes, tired eyes, headaches, and other vision problems can occur when the eyes are overused. When focusing on a task like using a computer or reading for hours, some individuals may unintentionally clench their jaws, eyelids, face muscles and produce irritable feelings or pain from overusing it. These may cause tense muscles and more pain.

People who already experience headaches or blurry vision caused by eye strain can sometimes have underlying eye issues, including astigmatism, myopia, and hyperopia, because of muscle imbalance.


Symptoms of this may include the following:

  • Soreness of the eye
  • Dryness and tearing of the eye
  • Blurry vision
  • Soreness in the back of the neck
  • Doubling eyesight
  • Light sensitivity
  • Tightness in forehead, temples, or back head
  • Headache

These are some of the usual symptoms and can be relieved when you rest your eyes.

If you experience severe eye discomfort and pain, you may need to go to an ophthalmologist for medications or eyeglasses.


The diagnosis of eye strain starts with a health professional or an ophthalmologist. It can be diagnosed by the patient’s history and using a particular test to identify the cause of discomfort. Although there is no specific test that proves the signs, there are still ways to prevent and treat it. 


Eye strain can cause discomfort and eye irritation and it can cause anxiety, decreased activity, and fatigue. If you feel that you’re eyes are tired and overuse, you may follow the following:

  • Rest your eyes
  • Blink often to freshen your eyes
  • Reduce lightning 
  • Adjust your screen
  • Avoid excessive use of gadgets
  • Consult an ophthalmologist if it’s unbearable

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