• A vision problem due to an eye imperfection (eyeball is too short or the lens not round enough), causing the eye to be unable to see in the distance.
  • Convex lenses usually correct the defect. For objects that are near, the eye has to accommodate even more.
  • People with hyperopia can feel blurred vision, accommodative dysfunction, asthenopia, , binocular dysfunction, amblyopia, and strabismus.
  • Genetic cause and involve an eye that is too short or a cornea that is too flat, making images focus at a point behind the retina.
  • Other names: farsightedness, longsightedness.
  • It result of the image being focused behind the retina rather than directly on it and caused by 2 reasons:
    • Low converging power of lens because of ciliary muscle’s weak action.
    • Too short of an eyeball due to which the distance between eye lens and retina decreases.
  • Often present from birth, but the flexibility of children’s lenses compensate for the problem. As people age, glasses or contact lenses may be required for correction of vision.
  • Hereditary


  • Physician may do/request:
    • History & Physical Exam
    • Eye exam



  • Corrective lenses
  • Surgery
    • PRK, LASIK, LASEK, P-IOL, RLE, Radial Keratocoagulation or Thermokeratoplasty

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