Extrasystoles are extra pulses that happen outside the physiological heart rhythm and can cause terrible symptoms. They are also referred to as skipped pulses, heart hiccups or palpitations, and are therapeutically viewed as a type of cardiovascular arrhythmia.

Extrasystoles can happen in both healthy individuals and cardiovascular patients and regularly go unnoticed. The underlying reason is the disturbance of heartbeat that occurs outside the sinus node. Although there is no disturbance of the electric transduction system, the electric impulse for our heart rhythm is usually sent from the sinus node to the AV node. Or maybe, the extra stimulation is communicated through the heart musculature.

In most cases, the extra pulses can barely be felt, or only very faintly. The following standard heartbeat which happens later, and is more grounded is seen as the skipped heartbeat. The affected individual may then stress over conceivable coronary disease.


Typical symptoms of extrasystoles that cause a usual heartbeat disorder include:

  • With a heart-pounding sensation in the throat, the pulse is irregular and louder than average or too rough.
  • Anxiety, panic, and trepidation feeling
  • Nausea or headache
  • Chest pain
  • Feelings of trouble in breathing
  • An elevated need to urinate or upset stomach

Always seek a cardiologist or a doctor if these symptoms arise in connection with a pre-existing underlying cardiovascular condition.


For healthy people, there is usually no compelling reason to treat extrasystoles. Regularly, it can be enough to make some way of lifestyle changes, such as reducing alcohol intake, stop smoking, decreasing blood pressure, accomplishing physical activities, and getting enough rest. Also, heart palpitations can now be neutralized by taking supplements; however, you should regularly talk to your cardiologist before taking any dietary supplements. 

In cases where coronary illness can be securely precluded, extrasystoles can likewise be treated with homeopathic cures. 

Treatment is fundamental if the symptoms are extremely articulated or if a recognized heart condition brings about the extrasystoles. 

Extrasystoles can be treated with medical supplements, for example, by taking mineral supplements or balancing out the heart mood with beta-blockers. 

Catheter removal is another choice if the recommended medication doesn’t help or the treatment, as mentioned earlier, isn’t accessible.

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