Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca is a type of condition that causes the membranes on the eye area to be inflamed or become red; this is called the conjunctiva. It happened when the eye area or the cornea had been dry, or it lessens the eye to give out tears, so it is dry as the normal eyes.

Some factors cause Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca; these are 

  • The eyes are no longer the same as normal, or it cannot make tears that makes the area moist to stay away from dry eyes.
  • The eyes can make tears, but in low quality or it cannot be able to coat the eye’s area. In this case, the evaporation happens faster because there is no enough oil component. 

Risk Factors

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is more high risk in women because it decreases the tear as you get older by age. These are also some of the factors that may increase the risk of having keratoconjunctivitis sicca. It includes the following ;

  • If you have some of this chronic ailment like arthritis, lupus, or Sjogren syndrome

Some of these medications may increase your risk, such as:

  • Beta-blockers
  • Antihistamines
  • Laser vision correction surgery
  • Vitamin A deficiency can also increase your risk of having keratoconjunctivitis sicca and other eye-related illnesses.


The most common symptom of keratoconjunctivitis sicca is discomfort or irritability in the eye. This soreness or discomfort can increase from mild to severe. Some other symptoms of keratoconjunctivitis sicca may include 

  • Burning sensation, itchy feeling in the eye
  • Sensitivity to the light
  • Redness or irritation of conjunctiva or around your eyes 
  • Excess tearing or poor quality to tear
  • Discomfort with wearing contact lenses

Most who have keratoconjunctivitis sicca may experience only eye discomfort. In severe cases, most people may experience eye dryness that can destroy the eye cornea. In this case, it can lead to serious problems, which is the permanent vision loss.


Diagnosis of keratoconjunctivitis sicca may require an eye professional. It will help in diagnosing your symptoms. Eye specialist or Ophthalmologist is the one that treats eye diseases. Your doctor may ask about your medical history and request a physical examination that includes the equipment that helps in viewing your eye surface and determining the discomfort you are experiencing.

These special tests may be performed by your doctor. 

  • Slit-lamp visualization: These are a special light known as slit lamp that views the tears in your eye surface and to know if there is enough amount of tears to keep your eyes in moist 
  • Schirmer’s test for dry eye: This test is where the doctor places a small paper in the nearest eyelid to know the amount of tears.



Your doctor will give treatment for keratoconjunctivitis sicca, although it is easy and effective. Your doctor will discuss the things you need to do to recover. In the treatment, keeping your eyes moist is one of the best things to do. These are the treatments that you can follow 

  • Lubricating eye drops: Lubricating eye drops are used to make your eyes moist. It is also called artificial tears where you can buy on over the counter. It will lessen your eye discomfort caused by this disease.
  • Lubricating ointments: Lubricating ointments are the same as the eye drops, but it has a more thick consistency, and it lasts longer than the eye drops. It is used to help in the moisture of your eyes. Most severe cases use this to make sure their eyes have enough tears.
  • Prescription eye drops: Cyclosporine eye drops are given by your doctor to use it if needed only. It will make your eye moist, and usually, it improves for more than a  month. 
  • Oral nutritional supplements: Taking supplements may also help in improving your symptoms or disease. One of the effective supplements is omega 3 fatty acids that help in your eyes to keep moist.

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