Dislocated elbow is a kind of physical condition that can happen on either one’s elbow; wherein forearm bones get dislocated, hence the name of this physical condition. This involves three bones, two located in the forearm (namely radial and ulna respectively), and one bone from the upper arm named humerus, which forms the elbow joint when they meet in a particular area. This is also what becomes dislocated in the case of this physical condition that becomes an injury.


This kind of physical condition/injury is usually caused by the following:


  • Coming from a fall, wherein the arm is the one to receive the most impact of the fall.
  • Various type of traumatic injuries such as being involved in a car accident/crash


There are no specific types of this physical condition; however, other injuries and illness can happen from the same area and joint, which are listed below:


  • Fractures – the breakage of the bones in the said area/in the arm
  • Artery Injuries – injuries to the blood vessels located in the arm and the hand
  • Nerve Injuries – injuries to the nerves usually located in the elbow area, causing impairing movement and feeling as a result



There are several symptoms one will experience when they have dislocated elbow, which is listed below:

  1. Severe pain (usually in the elbow and surrounding areas)
  2. Swelling along the elbow area
  3. Inability to bend your arm
  4. Losing their feelings of touch in their hands
  5. Cannot locate your pulse



The person then starts to feel the symptoms of this said physical condition/injury or he/she has fallen or has received traumatic injuries such as being in a car accident; one should immediately seek medical attention in their nearest hospital.


There would be several tests and examinations one would undergo as part of the diagnosis, which is listed below:


  • Checking your nerves and arteries for any damages
  • Undergoing one or several x-ray tests
  • Application of an arteriogram test (artery x-ray) if needed




There are several treatment methods for a person that is affected by a dislocated elbow, ranging from simple home remedies to medical practices advised by most experts when handling this kind of physical condition/injury, which are listed below:


The simple act of putting ice above the elbow will help reduce the pain and swelling in the affected area (still, seeking the advice of a doctor is best done first before doing this).


Done by a doctor, they will attempt to lever the dislocated elbow back to place after giving the affected person powerful medications for blocking the pain, in which an x-ray will be done afterwards if successful.


A splint will be then attached to force the arm to be bent, to help in the healing process of the formerly dislocated elbow joint. To ensure that the blood vessels and arteries can fully heal during the time the arm is splinted into position for some time and to avoid movement of both arm and elbow.

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