Intermenstrual bleeding is another term for unusual vaginal bleeding in the middle of periods. There are likely many reasons why bleeding happens in the middle of the usual period.

Several reasons may be an indication of a severe complication, while others are easy to cure. If you observe a massive amount of bleeding or spotting in the middle of your period, seeing your doctor is a must. So, in this case, you will be informed about the procedures, testing, and diagnosis. Here are some of the possible reasons for bleeding in the middle of your periods.

  • Stress
  • Cancer
  • Growth in your cervix or uterus
  • Miscarriage
  • Imbalance of hormones


If you are bleeding between periods, you should immediately contact your doctor because bleeding in the middle of periods is not typical and not a part of the menstrual cycle. Regular periods occur for several days to a week. It is considered unusual if you bleed outside your regular periods and these might be the factors:

  1. Hormonal Imbalance

The two hormones that control your cycle are progesterone and estrogen. If they do not become balanced, spotting may occur. Your hormone balance may be affected by the following:

  • Damaged ovaries
  • Thyroid gland issues
  • Starting to use or stopping to use birth control pills.
  1. Problems in pregnancy

Spotting may happen if there is a problem in pregnancy. Bleeding may occur both in ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. If a fertilized egg inserts itself in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus, ectopic pregnancy happens.

  1. Uterine Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids are common in a woman who already gave birth. They are not cancerous, and they grow in the uterus.

  1. Infection

Bleeding in the vagina in the middle of periods may be due to a problem in your reproductive organs. These problems can cause bleeding and swelling.  The causes might be in the following:

  • Intercourse
  • Sexually transmitted infection
  1. Cancer

Bleeding might happen if someone has cancer of any of these:

  • Cervix
  • Vagina
  • Uterus
  • Ovaries
  1. Unusual sources

Other potential roots of vaginal bleeding are the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Too much stress
  • Putting an object into the vagina


It is important to tell your doctor all of the signs you have experienced. Keeping a  record of your period and indicating the period, the date, and how much blood you released in the middle of your periods can help your doctor.

It will also help if you tell your doctor about the other signs you are experiencing and the medicines you are currently consuming.

Your doctor might probably conduct a physical exam.

To find the causes of your vaginal bleeding, your doctor might also conduct several diagnostic tests. The tissue in your cervix is needed to be removed to use for testing, or in other words, a  biopsy. Ultrasound might be requested by your doctor too.


There is no particular therapy for vaginal bleeding. The therapy will be based upon what is the reason why your vagina bleeds.

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