Platysmaplasty or neck lift is a cosmetic surgery that involves several procedures to enhance the appearance of the neck. It helps minimize the visible signs of aging in the neck and jawline and remove excess fats to give a smoother and slimmer profile.


The neck lifts cosmetic surgery has several procedures that can be done depending on the condition. These procedures may include:

  • Excess skin removal
  • Neck muscles removal or altering
  • Excess fat removal or liposuction

There are also non-surgical procedures that can be done when surgery is not needed or in combination with the surgery

  • Botox injections to treat problems about band appearance of fullness look.
  • Kybella injections to remove excess fats in the chin.
  • Use of other non-surgical techniques such as lasers, intense pulse light, ultrasound, and fillers.


The neck lift cosmetic surgery is the right solution if the patient is concerned about:

  • Age-related skin conditions such as wrinkles and creases.
  • Excess wrinkling of neck skin that results in turkey wattle or double chin
  • Loss of youthful contours in the face as a result of genetics, environmental factors, or stress.
  • The neck area doesn’t match with the upper facial features.
  • Fatty deposits in the chin


Before undergoing a neck lift cosmetic surgery, it is important to consult first with an expert. During the consultation, the doctor will conduct an interview and will do a physical examination. The skin type and ethnic background of the patient will also be noted.

Note that the doctor will also interview about expectations of the patient from the surgery. The doctor will also explain the nearest possible outcomes when the operation is completed as well as potential complications depending on the situation.


The surgery may take several hours, and the patient will be put on a deep sleep using general anesthesia. The following are details about some types of neck lift surgery.

  • Turkey Wattle. This involves an incision under the chin, behind the ears, or both. The incisions will give access to the neck muscle, platysma. Some tissues may be removed in some cases. There is also a new approach to this through an endoscopic procedure or the use of a small instrument with a camera during surgery. This will lessen the incisions to be made.
  • A small incision will be made under the chin to remove excess fats.
  • Excess skin removal. This involves trimming the surplus parts of the skin and lifting it into place. The surgery hours vary depending on the complexity of the case.

Take note that post-surgery the patient must take care of the stitches and bandages to avoid complications. Follow the doctor’s advice on how long the resting will take for the incisions to heal and other activity restrictions.

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