The killer cold virus is being called a medical mystery. It is a virus that starts like a cold but can become deadly. The adenovirus is known mostly for causing colds and pink eyes. It spreads through contact and the air we breathe.  Adenoviruses or killer cold viruses often cause acute upper respiratory tract infections like the common cold but also can cause other illnesses, including inflammation of the stomach and intestines, pink eye, bladder infection, and rashes. A mild infection with an adenovirus will likely cause more cold-like symptoms, but sometimes the disease is more severe, causing issues more similar to the flu, such as a fever and body aches. Individuals, adults, and children alike recover quickly from adenovirus infections. However, people who have a weakened immune system, an existing respiratory infection, or certain heart conditions might be affected more severely.

Modern diagnostic tests can identify adenovirus within hours, but doctors stress the key is identifying its symptoms before they become life-threatening.

How does the adenovirus spread?

Killer cold virus infections are primarily spread from infected persons to others when respiratory hygiene is not performed. Proper respiratory health includes covering your mouth when coughing and promptly cleaning your hands. Respiratory hygiene is an easy way to prevent infections spread by respiratory droplets, like the adenovirus.

Respiratory hygiene consists of:

  • Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing;
  • Throwing away your tissues in the nearest trash can; and
  • Performing hand hygiene after coughing/sneezing/disposing of tissues.


There are many of the symptoms common to both flu and the killer cold virus. But then again, the adenovirus can also cause others.

Common symptoms include cough, sore throat, diarrhea, pink eyes, and a fever. But each sign can affect people differently. Some people suffering from the pink eye may get discharge from their eyes, while others will not.

Depending on what part of the body is affected, symptoms may include flu symptoms, cough, congestion, runny nose, sore throat, pneumonia, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, fever, ear infection, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infection, and swollen lymph nodes.


There is no cure for adenovirus, so diagnosis is primarily focused on ruling out other sources of infection and supportive therapy. Diagnosis may include a complete history and physical, blood tests, culture of respiratory secretions by nasal swab, stool culture, and chest imaging tests. Medication relies upon the severity of the condition. In general, it aims to relieve symptoms and improve hydration. The people to watch out for are children and those with pre-existing conditions, like heart problems or compromised immune systems. Encourage the infected person to drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated.

People can stay away from the infection by washing their hands regularly, and avoiding touching their faces—especially their eyes, nose, and mouth—whenever possible. That’s one of the most common ways people get exposed to any infectious microbe.

If you suspect you have an adenovirus or other respiratory illness, contact your healthcare provider immediately.



Frequent hand washing can help reduce the chances of spreading adenovirus infections.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing
  • Do not share towels and utensils with an infected person.
  • Avoid close contact with a person ill with adenovirus infection.

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