A breast biopsy is a way to examine a suspected area in your breast by removing a small sample of breast tissue for laboratory testing to determine whether it is breast cancer.

In a core needle breast biopsy or fine-needle aspiration breast biopsy, doctors take out pieces of breast tissue using a spring-loaded tool that moves the needle in the suspected area where the doctor has felt the lump or has pinpointed on an imaging test. Usually, several samples are taken.

These samples are used for laboratory testing for diagnoses and to determine the abnormalities in the breast that result in an unusual breast change, breast lumps, or other suspicious findings on the ultrasound or mammogram. The result of the fine needle breast biopsy will determine if you need further treatments, or in some cases, surgery.


Fine-needle aspiration biopsy – To examine a breast’s lump, this is done during a physical breast exam. In this procedure, a thin needle is attached to a syringe that will be inserted into the lump in your breast that can collect a sample of cells or fluid from the lump. This procedure is the quickest way to differentiate a fluid-filled cyst and a solid mass and is the most straightforward kind of breast biopsy 

Stereotactic core needle biopsy – The doctor uses the pictures of mammograms taken from different angles in this procedure to pinpoint the biopsy site. The x-ray result of your breast is analyzed by the computer enabling the doctor to pinpoint the abnormal area where the needle tip needs to go. This procedure is often used to determine suspicious microcalcifications that are not usually pick-up by ultrasound.

Vacuum-assisted core biopsy (VAB) – A small cut is made to enable the hollow probe to pierce the abnormal area of the breast in this procedure. Using the imaging test, the doctor guides the probe into the abnormal area. A rotating blade inside the probe cuts the sample tissue and is then suctioned into the examination.


Even though the fine needle aspiration breast biopsy is low risk and simple procedure, there may be side-effects of fine needle breast biopsy. These symptoms are:

  • Bruising of the breast
  • Breast swelling
  • Pain or soreness in the site of injection
  • Biopsy site infection

Usually, all of these symptoms are temporary and treatable. Always follow your doctor’s advice for after-care, which will prevent further infection.

These symptoms are infrequent, and having breast cancer detected and treated early far outweigh the risks from the procedure.


With any fine needle breast biopsy, you can only go home with an ice pack and bandage over the operated area. However, you will be advised to take a rest for the day. You can then get to resume your daily activities the next day. After the operation is healthy, Bruising of your breast can apply a cold compress to the injured area to reduce swelling

 You can take a non-aspirin pain reliever containing acetaminophen to ease pain and discomfort if you can feel some pain or soreness in your breast. 

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