Balance difficulties can cause dizziness, unsteadiness, or lightheadedness. The sensation is identical to seeing the room spinning, or the feeling of falling even when you are lying down, sitting, or standing.

Body systems such as your muscles, bones, joints, eyes, the balance organ in your inner ear, nerves, heart, and blood vessels must not be functioning well if you are suffering balance impairments. These systems must generally work for you to be rid of this problem.


  • Experiencing vertigo
  • Lightheadedness and faintness
  • Loss of balance or under the state of unsteadiness
  • Feeling like floating or dizziness
  • Blurriness in vision
  • Confusion


The causes of balance problems are related to a particular sign or symptom.

Experiencing vertigo

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) occurs when the calcium crystals inside your inner ears are displaced from their normal position and moved elsewhere.
  • Meniere’s disease causes hearing loss fluctuation and buzzing, ringing, ora fullness sensation in your ears. However, this disease is rare and usually develops between ages 20 to 40.
  • Migraine or vestibular migraine, which isthe sensitivity to motion and dizziness, can occur because of headaches caused by migraines.
  • Acoustic neuroma is rare, and a benign, slow-growing tumor develops on a nerve that is responsible for your hearing and balance. A person commonly suffers from hearing loss and ringing in the ears, dizziness or loss of balance.
  • Vestibular neuritis affects the nerves in your inner ear that is responsible for balance. It is an inflammatory disorder caused by a virus with severe and persistent symptoms that lasts for several days until it slowly improves without treatment.
  • Ramsay Hunt syndrome, or herpes zoster oticus, is a condition where shingles-like infection affects the facial, auditory, and vestibular nerves near the ears. Vertigo, ear pain, facial weakness, and hearing loss might be felt when the condition occurs.
  • Motion sickness in boats, cars, airplanes, or even on amusement park rides.
  • Persistent postural-perception dizziness is a condition wherein a person experiences unsteadiness, magnified by watching objects move, such as reading, or in a shopping mall.

Lightheadedness and faintness

  • Orthostatic hypotension (postural hypotension) or suddenly standing up causes a substantial drop in blood pressure resulting in presyncope.
  • Cardiovascular disease wherein the heart experiences abnormal rhythms, narrowed or blocked blood vessels, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or a decrease in blood volume.

Loss of balance or unsteadiness

  • Vestibular problems or abnormalities in the inner ear that leads to having the illusion of a floating effect or massive head, and unsteadiness in darkness.
  • Peripheral neuropathy or legs
  • Nerve problems due to side effects of medications
  • Neurological conditions such as cervical spondylosis and Parkinson’s disease


  • Inner ear problems which lead to a floating sensation or other false sense of motion
  • Psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and other conditions that cause dizziness
  • Hyperventilation causes lightheadedness due to anxiety disorders
  • Lightheadedness due to medications’ side effects

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