Joint replacement of knee is a procedure that replaces an injured knee with an artificial one, also known as prosthetics. This surgery is also known as “knee anthroplasty”.

When having prosthetics, these things need to be considered to find the perfect replacement for you:

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Activity level
  • Overall health

It is a fast operation that may take just about two hours, but rehabilitation may take months depending on your progress.


The most common reason why joint replacement of knee is needed is because of arthritis.

Before considering surgery, more treatments can be done as well. Some of the things you can try before opting for surgery are:

  • Reducing weight
  • Medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Cane
  • Knee brace

Doctors usually offer joint replacement of knee only when reducing weight, medications, physical therapy, cane, and knee braces have not worked. They will try these first before suggesting the operation.

You are a candidate for joint replacement if the pain on your knee bothers your daily activities and work. Your age plays a big part as well.

Before surgery, lots of tests will be needed to know if you are fit and ready for the operation. Your doctor will need to:

  • Take a full medical history from you
  • X-rays
  • Blood tests
  • Do a full physical examination
  • Other tests

These will ensure that your body is ready for the operation.

Any medication you are taking will be taken into consideration as well, as it may affect your body or with other medicines prescribed to you.


After surgery, it is advised not to walk yet. You can prepare crutches or walking aids for a few weeks after the surgery. Doctors recommend making these even before the surgery for they will immediately be used once you are done with the operation.

After surgery, there may be extreme pain. Medications will be provided to manage the sensation and to prevent the blood from clotting.

You may start physical therapy a few days after the surgery.

At home, it is best to stay on the ground floor and to avoid going up the stairs.

In the comfort rooms, it is best to have handles around the toilet or shower to lean on when you’re using them. If not, a chair would suffice.

Are there complications from Knee Joint Replacement?

Any operation carries the complications of infection, clotting, and other side effects. Only a few patients who have undergone knee joint replacement experience these complications:

  • Wearing out of the artificial knee over time
  • Bleeding and blood clots
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Knee stiffness
  • Nerve damage located in the knee

For patients who have artificial joints, the infection may occur so beware because it will be removed and operated again if severely infected.

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