If are pregnant, or intending to get pregnant, you should not drink alcohol by any means. Drinking alcohol while pregnant makes your baby at risk for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD is the main known reason for developmental problems in kids. Consuming medications during pregnancy or while breastfeeding may likewise hurt your infant. This includes illegal drugs but may likewise include some over the counter medications.


The woman who consumes alcohol while she is pregnant may hurt her baby. Alcohol can go from the mother’s blood into the baby’s circulation. It can harm and affect the development of the infant’s cells, especially those in the brain, spinal cord and nerves.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder depicts the scope of alcohol consequences for a kid. The issues go from mild to serious. Alcohol can make a kid have physical or mental issues that may last a lifetime.

The impacts of alcohol can include:

  • Facial changes such as a small head, a flat face, and restricted eye openings
  • Development issues such as small-for-age growth
  • Learning and behaviour problems.
  • Birth defects.
  • Problems in communication or feeding as a baby

Alcohol use during pregnancy can likewise prompt miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature delivery child being brought into the world early.


In spite of the fact that the risk is higher with more alcohol use, any amount may influence your baby. Substantial drinking of at least 5 drinks in one event during pregnancy can seriously affect the baby.

You can forestall FASD by not drinking at all while you are pregnant.

The impacts that alcohol has on a growing child rely upon:

  • How much, how frequently, and at what month of pregnancy the mother drinks alcohol. The most commonimpacts are identified with substantial alcohol
  • Ifthe mother utilized different medications, smoked, or had health problems while she was pregnant. In these cases, the child is bound to have issues.
  • Genes passed down through families. A few babies are bound to be more affected by alcohol than others. It’s not clear why, however there might be a hereditary connection.

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