A tremor is an unexpected and involuntary movement of one section or limb of the body. It can happen in any part of the body and at any moment. It is usually caused by a problem in the part of the brain which helps control muscular movement.

These kind of illnesses are not always serious; however, at times, these may be brought about by a serious disorder. Most tremors can’t be effectively treated, but somehow they’ll often leave on their own.

It is important to remember that muscle spasm, muscle twitches, and tremors do not have something in common. A muscle spasm is the uncontrollable contraction of a muscle while a muscle twitch is an uncontrolled fine movement of a small portion of a bigger muscle.


Tremors are divided into two classifications:

  • Resting tremors occur when you’re sitting or lying still. Whenyou begin moving around, you will notice that the tremor goes away. This kind of tremor often affects hands and fingers only.
  • Action tremors usually occur during movement of the affected body parts.


  • Involuntaryshaking that happens for a short period
  • Shaking voice
  • Persistent nodding
  • Tremors that worsen during periods of emotional stress
  • Tremors that worsensover too much movement
  • Balance issue


Tremors are sometimes considered normal. When you are under a lot of stress or in a state of anxiety or fear, tremors might occur. After the feeling subsides, the tremor also stops. Tremors are normally part of medical disorders that directly affect the brain, nervous system, or muscles in the body.

Your doctor may rule out a neurological exam. This examination will check how your nervous system functions. This will measure your:

  • Ability to feel a touch
  • Tendon reflexes
  • Coordination
  • Muscle strength
  • Muscle tone
  • Posture

During an examination, you will need to:

  • Touch your finger to your nose
  • Draw a spiral
  • Perform exercisesor other tasks

Your specialist may also order an electromyogram, or what we call EMG. This kind of test measures involuntary muscle activity and how your muscle responds to nerve stimulation.


If you are getting treatment for the underlying condition that is causing the tremor, that treatment may be enough to cure it. Treatments for tremors include:


Various medications are normally used to treat the tremor itself. Your doctor may suggest them to you. Medications may include the following:

  • Beta-blockersare commonly used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease. However, they have been shown to reduce tremors in some people
  • Tranquilizers, likealprazolam (Xanax), may help relieve tremors that are caused by anxiety
  • Anti-seizure drugsare sometimes given to people who can’t take beta-blockers or have tremors that are not cured by beta-blocker medications
  • Botox injections
  • Physical therapy
  • Brain stimulation surgery

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