Hyperactivity is a condition that shows abnormalities in behavior. Hyperactive people are often difficult to be around especially around teachers, employers, and parents. Persons with this condition usually feel distressed or dismay because of their situation and condition, and how other people deal with them.

Due to their failure to stay stable and focused, these people have many problems to deal with, such as difficulty in connecting and communicating with other people like his or her family, friends, and relatives. Because of these problems, hyperactive persons may be involved in some accidents and injuries. It also increases the risk of drugs and alcohol addiction.


In children, hyperactivity may lead to difficulty in concentrating while at school. They may also show some violent behaviors such as:

  • Talking out of turn
  • Blurting things out
  • Hitting other students
  • Being overactive

Adults who display hyperactivity may display the following:

  • Difficulty focusing at work
  • Short attention span
  • Difficulty in remembering names, numbers, or bits of information

You may develop some anxiety or depression if you are distressed about your condition. Adults who have hyperactivity probably display these symptoms as children.


If you or your child are experiencing signs of hyperactivity, you can consult a doctor to clarify your condition. The doctor will ask you how it started, and how it affects your overall health. The doctor will also ask about your medications and your mental health. The doctor will base his or her diagnosis on your answers to determine what type of hyperactivity you have.


If the doctor finds out the root cause of your hyperactivity, he or she may prescribe medications to treat your condition. The conditions that affect the following parts of your body may often contribute to hyperactivity:

  • Thyroid
  • Brain
  • Nervous system

The doctor may monitor your hormone levels by getting blood or a urine sample. Hyperactivity may also be caused by hormonal imbalances, like in your thyroid and other glands.

Emotional disorders can also be related to hyperactivity. In this case, you will be checked by a mental health specialist. The specialist will review the symptoms to know what condition you may have. Once the condition is identified, you may be given some medications and therapy that can help you control your hyperactivity.

There are therapies that are used to treat hyperactivity. These are cognitive behavioral therapy and talk therapy.

The aim of cognitive behavioral therapy is more on psychological health. Talk therapy includes explaining your symptoms with a therapist. The therapist helps you understand your condition.

You may also need to take medicines when therapy is not working. These can control symptoms. Medications include:

  • Dextroamphetamine and amphetamine
  • Dextroamphetamine
  • Lisdeamfetamine
  • Methylphenidate

Your doctor or mental health provider will check your medication intake, as these medications may become habit-forming. Also, they may suggest that you avoid drugs or stimulants that can generate symptoms. Typical stimulants to avoid are caffeine and nicotine.

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