Wisdom tooth removal is a dental procedure to remove the wisdom teeth, which is composed of four permanent adult teeth located at the back corners of your mouth at the upper and base.

If a wisdom tooth doesn’t have space to grow, it will cause tooth impaction and will cause pain, discomfort or other dental problems. In this case, you’ll likely need to have it pulled. Wisdom tooth extraction may be done by a dentist.

To prevent potential future issues, dentists recommend wisdom tooth extraction early on, even though these teeth aren’t causing issues.


You’ll likely need your wisdom tooth to be pulled out if it results in problems such as:

  • l·Pain
  • l·Trapping food and waste behind the wisdom tooth
  • l·Infection or gum disease, such asperiodontal infection
  • l·Tooth rot in wisdom tooth
  • l·Damage to the tooth, including bone
  • l·Development of a fluid-filled lump or sore around the wisdom tooth
  • l·Complications with orthodontic treatments to correct other teeth


Your dentist may perform the procedure in the clinic. If your tooth is significantly affected or if the extraction requires a detailed procedure, your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon. Aside from making the area numb with pain relievers, your dentist may propose sedation to make you sleep during the procedure.


Your dentist or oral surgeon may use some form of anesthesia, depending on the nature of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level. Options include:

Local anesthesia

Your dentist or oral surgeon injects anesthesia near the site of each extraction. Before you get the injection, your dentist will likely apply a substance to your gums to numb them. You will be awake during tooth extraction.

Sedation anesthesia

Your dentist or oral surgeon gives you sedation anesthesia through an intravenous (IV) line in your arm. Sedation anesthesia makes you sleep during the procedure. You don’t feel any pain. You’ll also get local anesthesia to numb your gums.

General anesthesia

In special cases, you may be offered general anesthesia. You may take in medication through your nose or have an IV line in your arm, or both. You will then lose consciousness. The staff gives you medication and monitors your breathing, temperature, fluids, and heartbeat. You’ll experience no pain and have no memory of the procedure.

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