Watsons Health


Natural herbs supplement, also known as Taheebo tree supplement, contains extracts from the bark of a substantial variety of tropical trees that is found around the world. The right name for the source species is T. impetiginosa though T. avellaneda may also be used.The tree develops generally all through tropical South America, including Brazil, Paraguay, and northern Argentina. It has a hard, sturdy, and attractive wood that is remarkably resistant to insects and parasites.

Taheeboo has been promoted through the years as an anti-cancer supplement and there are some reports that actually prove its efficacy. It also has antifungal and antibiotic properties, but clinical research is lacking.

Natural Herbs is used for the following conditions:

Do not give Natural Herbs to people with the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Hypersensitivity to herbs

Natural Herbs may have the following side effects:


Take extra caution in patients with the following:



Natural Herbs may interact with the following medicines and supplements:

If you think you may have used Natural Herbs more than the usual dose, seek medical help immediately.

Available Brands:

  • Taheebo tree


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