Milk intolerance is a condition wherein an individual can’t completely digest the sugar or lactose in drain. Accordingly, they have diarrhea, gas and bloating of the abdomen after eating or drinking dairy items. The condition is generally harmless however its symptoms can be awkward.

A lack of  lactase, which is an enzyme that is created in your small intestine, is generally in charge of lactose intolerance. Numerous individuals have low levels of lactase however they can digest milk without issues. In case you’re really lactose intolerant, your lactase inadequacy prompts symptoms after you eat dairy products.

Many people with milk intolerance can live with the condition without giving up all dairy foods.


Lactose intolerance may be primary, secondary or congenital/developmental.

Primary lactose intolerance

Primary lactose intolerance is the most widely recognized type. Individuals who have this condition have a lot of lactase early in life, which is a need for newborn children, who get all their nutrients from milk. As kids drink milk and take other foods, their lactase secretion diminishes, however stays sufficiently high to digest dairy in the daily diet.

Secondary lactose intolerance

This type of lactose intolerance happens when there is decreased production of lactase enzyme in your small intestine. This can happen after surgery, illness or other conditions. This condition is related to Crohn’s disease and bacterial overgrowth in the bowels. Treatment of the hidden issue may reestablish lactase levels and improve symptoms, however it can require some time.

Congenital or developmental lactose intolerance

This is a rare condition wherein infants are born without lactase. This issue is autosomal recessive genes, implying that a similar gene variant should be inherited from both parents. Premature babies may likewise have lactose intolerance due to inadequate lactase levels.



The symptoms may start 30 minutes to two hours after eating dairy containing foods. These symptoms include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Bloating
  • Gas


Your doctor may speculate lactose intolerance in view of your symptoms and your reaction to lessening the amount of dairy foods in your daily diet. The doctor may request for the following tests:

Lactose tolerance test

This gauges the way your body reacts to a lactose drink. After two hours, blood glucose tests are obtained. If there is no elevation of glucose level, it implies that your body doesn’t process lactose.

Breath test

This test likewise makes you to drink a fluid that contains large amounts of lactose. At that point your doctor estimates the level of hydrogen in your breath at various intervals. Very little hydrogen can be detected. In any case, if your body doesn’t process the lactose, it will ferment in the colon, discharging hydrogen and different gases, which are absorbed by your digestive organs and in the end breathed out. Increased hydrogen during a breath test show that you are lactose intolerant.

Stool acidity test

This test measures fermentation of undigested lactose in a stool test. It is usually requested in babies.




There’s currently no method that can treat milk intolerance, yet you can avoid feeling its symptoms if you have one, through the following:

  • Do not drink a lot milk and consume other dairy items
  • Include little servings of dairy items in your usual daily diet
  • Eat and drink lactose-lessened or lactose-free ice cream and milk
  • Drink milk after you add a fluid or powder to it to separate the lactose

















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