Zambusch’s disease is a skin condition that causes an itchy rash on the skin or inside the mouth. It is made of small, flat-topped, many-sided, pink or purple bumps. A large number of skin experts think it could be an autoimmune disease.

Furthermore, this condition’s cause is still not clear to many experts. Nevertheless, both biological and environmental factors are considered to contribute to the development of this disease.


One symptom of zambusch’s disease is mouth sores. They:

  • Painful ulcers may form sometimes
  • Create a lacy network by drawing lines.
  • Are found on the tongue’s sides, on the gums, or in the cheek’s inside
  • Start expanding in size
  • Look like pimples or bluish-white spots
  • Maybe painful or tender (It will not cause pain if it is mild cases)

 Another zambusch’s disease symptom is skin sores. They:

  • Blisters or ulcers will form
  • Are scaly or shiny-looking
  • It could have scratch marks or thin white streaks on it.
  • Have sharp borders and even sides (symmetrical)
  • In most cases, they appear on the torso, inner wrists, legs, or genitals.
  • Have a color dark violet
  • Are extremely itchy
  • Occur in clusters, often in the skin injury’s site

The following are the zambusch’s disease other symptoms:

  • Dry mouth
  • Nails ridges
  • Mouth metallic taste
  • Hair loss


Your doctor will use the appearance of your zambusch’s disease on your skin or in your mouth to make the diagnosis. Aside from that, the doctor will also ask for your symptoms, along with your medical history.

To confirm your diagnosis, a biopsy of zambusch’s disease will do.


The treatment’s goal is to reduce your symptoms and speed up your healing, but you won’t need any treatment if you have mild symptoms.

Treatments may include:

  • Ultraviolet light therapy
  • Antihistamines
  • Mouthwashes contain lidocaine, which numbs the area and makes eating more comfortable.
  • Corticosteroid shots towards a sore
  • Topical or oral corticosteroids to reduce lower immune responses and swelling
  • Vitamin A is taken orally or as a cream called Vitamin A.
  • Immune-suppressing medications (in severe cases)
  • Other medicines that are applied to skin
  • Dressing placed over your skin with medicines to keep you from scratching

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