Whipworm infection, often called trichuriasis, is an illness of the large intestine triggered by the worm Trichuris trichiura. Since it looks like a whip, this worm is usually called a whipworm. Furthermore, whipworm infections may occur after consuming water or soil infected with whipworm parasite excrement.

Moreover, individuals who have gotten in touch with infected feces might get infected with a whipworm infection. The illness is prevalent in kids. It is also more prevalent among individuals who reside in humid, hot conditions and locations with low sanitation and hygiene standards. A whipworm infection affects between 600 and 800 million individuals worldwide. This illness may also arise in animals, such as dogs and cats.



A whipworm infection may produce a wide range of symptoms, from minor to severe. They could consist of the following:

  • Fecal incontinence or difficulty controlling defecation
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Nausea
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Frequent or painful defecation


Your physician will order a stool test to identify a whipworm infection. You will be required to submit an excrement collection to a testing laboratory. The stool test could tell whether you have eggs or whipworms in your feces.

This sort of examination must not be painful or uncomfortable. Your physician will provide you with a sterile container and a toolkit that includes particular toilet tissue and plastic wrap. Fold the plastic wrap gently around the toilet bowl and secure it with the toilet seat. In addition, utilize specific tissue to place the feces into the container immediately following a bowel movement.

Layer the diaper with plastic wrap to obtain the sample from a newborn. After the examination, be sure you properly clean your hands. The specimen will be submitted to a laboratory for examination under a microscope for the existence of whipworms and their eggs.


An antiparasitic medicine, like mebendazole or albendazole, is the most frequent and successful therapy for whipworm infection. This drug kills all whipworm eggs and whipworms in the body. Typically, the drug must be used for one to three days. The adverse effects are minor. After your symptoms have subsided, your physician may order another stool test to ensure the virus has been eradicated.

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