Weight loss surgery or most commonly known by medical practitioners as bariatric surgery is a type of medical surgery that specifically aids those wanting to lose weight quickly. The operation creates a modification in one’s digestive system, particularly in the stomach. The procedure will inhibit its capacity to hold food and often leads to hormonal changes and malabsorption of the nutrients you acquire from the food you eat. Today, the bariatric procedure can now be conducted using minimal to non-invasive techniques that don’t require invasive surgery. Most of the types of Bariatric procedures are now performed through Laparoscopic surgery.


  • Sleeve Gastrectomy– this type of surgery for weight loss is done by taking away 80% of your stomach wherein the only remaining portion of it will be a tube-like pouch which can affect the hormones responsible for your hunger and blood sugar control. Some studies have also shown that Sleeve Gastrectomy can also improve the effects of type 2 diabetes, particularly the weight problem associated with it.
  • Gastric Bypass – or also called Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is a much-complicated surgery where doctors create a smaller stomach for your body by cutting and dividing the top part of your larger stomach. After this, the lower intestine will also be distributed on its upper part wherein the bottom part shall be connected to the new smaller stomach. The smaller stomach can only handle a small amount of food and limit your body to absorb nutrients.
  • Biliopancreatic Diversion w/ Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS) – this surgery shares a striking similarity with Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass since it also involves the creation of a tubular-like stomach and bypassing of the intestines particularly the small intestines. Unlike the above mentioned surgery, though, BPD/DS can make the patient eat “normal” meals as time passes, although the disadvantage of nutrient deficiency remains.
  • Adjustable Gastric Band – requires an inflatable band that will be wrapped around the upper portion of the stomach, leading to the creation of a smaller pouch-like stomach without removing any parts of the larger stomach. This provides a quick feeling of being full whenever you eat food. The band can also be adjusted by filling it with sterile saline through injections.


Although everyone can undergo the above mentioned weight loss surgery, physicians run several tests before the procedures such as complete blood count, chest x-rays, urinalysis, and electrocardiogram. Others also undergo an ultrasound to detect whether there is a gallstone. Those who are qualified for the surgery are individuals who primarily have a problem losing weight for a certain period despite weight loss efforts. Other criteria that a physician also considers are more than 100 pounds beyond their healthy weight base from their BMI and one or more obesity-related conditions that trigger complications such as diabetes, heart diseases, and hypertension.

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