Varicella vaccination offers comprehensive varicella (chickenpox) protection. However, live-virus vaccines, such as the varicella vaccine, typically provide long-term immunity. The varicella-zoster virus induces chickenpox, a highly infectious disease. It produces a blister-like rash, itchiness, fatigue, and fever. Chickenpox was once quite common in the US.

The varicella vaccination contains a wild strain of varicella that has been attenuated and trace amounts of neomycin and gelatin. It is available as a single-antigen vaccination or in a formulation vaccine with mumps, measles, and rubella.

How Does Varicella Vaccination Work?

The varicella vaccine can protect almost anyone from contracting chickenpox. Since chickenpox is induced by the varicella-zoster virus, this vaccine is also known as the chickenpox vaccine. The vaccine is generated from a live virus that has been weakened.

Attenuated viruses are less virulent than unattenuated viruses. Even though the virus in the varicella vaccine is not capable of causing disease, it does enhance the body’s immune system. That reaction is what gives somebody who has received a chickenpox vaccination immunity or defense from the illness.

Why Is A Varicella Vaccination Required?

The majority of chickenpox cases are mild and resolve in five to ten days. Nonetheless, in a minority of cases, it can be very severe, even fatal. Prior to the approval of the varicella vaccine in the US in 1995, there were over 100 deaths due to chickenpox each year.

Infants and people with weakened immunity are especially vulnerable to serious, life-threatening problems. However, anyone can create serious issues, and no one knows who will.

There’s another rationale for getting vaccinated against chickenpox. Without the vaccine, the disease can be transmitted by direct contact or via the air by coughing or sneezing. It can also be obtained by getting into contact with fluid from chickenpox. As a result, children with chickenpox should be kept home from school or daycare for at least a week or until all blisters have crusted or dried over.

The disease causes an itchy rash with 200 to 500 blisters covering the entire body, coughing, headaches, and fussiness. Even if the disease is minor, it still means five to ten days of discomfort.

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