
Urine usually has a distinct odor, but under normal circumstances, the odor is relatively mild and not too noticeable. Certain conditions, however, may cause your urine to have an unusual or unpleasant odor, which may raise concerns about a problem or abnormality.

The most common causes of urine odor include:

Dehydration occurs when you do not drink enough fluids. If you are dehydrated, you may notice that your urine is a dark yellow or orange color and smells like ammonia. Most people only experience minor dehydration and do not require medical treatment. Drinking more fluids, especially water, will generally cause urine odor to return to normal. If you are experiencing mental confusion, weakness, extreme fatigue, or other unusual symptoms, you may have severe dehydration and should get medical treatment right away.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) commonly cause urine to smell strong. A strong urge to urinate and a burning sensation upon urination are the most common symptoms of a UTI. Bacteria in your urine cause urinary tract infections. If your doctor determines you have a UTI, he or she will give you antibiotics to kill the bacteria.

A common symptom of diabetes is sweet-smelling urine. People with untreated diabetes have high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels cause the sweet urine odor. See your doctor as soon as possible if your urine frequently smells sweet. Untreated diabetes is dangerous and can be life threatening.


Make an appointment with your doctor if you have a strong or abnormal urine odor that lasts for more than two days or if you have additional, unusual symptoms. If you have severe symptoms such as sweet-smelling urine, mental confusion, bloating, nausea, or vomiting, see a medical professional right away. These symptoms may be signs of diabetes, severe dehydration, or liver disease.

Your doctor will run tests on your urine. Based on the test results, your doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


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